Notice ID
This is to amend the CBD Notice for Solicitation Number GS11P98MJC0033 Please note contract number change The procurement is to provide Commercial Facilites Management Services at 2 Massachusetts Avenue Washington DC The contractor will provide all the management administrative and technical support for the accomplishment of the following services facilites management operation and maintenance of mechnicalelectrical equipment architecturalstructural and sustaining maintenancerepair janitorial sevice reimbursable services and utility work The Standard Industrial Classification SIC code for this acquisition is 8744 The initial contract period is for one 1 year and the US Government shall have the unilateral option to extend services for four 4 additional consecutive periods of one 1 year each GSA is issuing this solicitation only electronically onor about December 23 1998 Interested parties may access the solicitation at httpepsarnetgov This site provides instructions for downloading the solicitation file There will be no bidders list for this procurement The Bid Opening is scheduled for January 25 1999 Services under the anticipated awarded contract is scheduled to start May 1 1999 No bonding is required for the acquisition Note As SBA has accepted this requirement into the 8a program all interested 8a firms are encouraged to bid Please direct questions to Sherry Quashie 202 2053075 Please disregard the fax number listed under Point of Contact the correct fax number 202 7086838