Notice ID
Nonpersonal services to provide Contract Aircrew Training and Courseware Revision services for the German Air Force on the F4 aircraft The place of performance for both aircrew training and courseware revision shall be at Holloman AFB NM The government anticipates the award by 12 May 00 with the contractor assuming full responsibility for contract performance on 1 Oct 00 The contract will be awarded with a 60day phasein a basic contract year and four oneyear options This action will be issued as a Request for Proposal RFP on or about 4 Feb 00 via the Internet proposals will be due approximately 6 Mar 00 Draft RFP documents will be posted on EPS starting on or about 15 Dec 99 Interested parties should review these documents carefully and provide any comments via return email to this office email capability provided on the Internet The Air Force will consider and respond to all input received both positive and negative It is imperative that industry participates actively and fully in this draft RFP In this manner the Air Force hopes to maximize the benefits of the acquisition process for both industry and the government The government plans to use the Internet and email as the primary means of disseminating and exchanging information All interested parties are encouraged to limit correspondence to these media forms Hard copies of solicitation information will NOT be made available The SIC for this acquisition is 8299 and the size is 185M for small businesses Interested firms should provide their company name address and point of contact phone and fax number email address and business size to Lt Misty Holder via email This information will be placed on the F4 Aircrew Training and Courseware Revision source list and will be used to notify potential offerors of major changesamendments to draft or solicitation documents However it is the offerors responsibility to monitor the Internet for the solicitations release to the Internet All responsible sources may submit an offer that will be considered The point of contact for this acquisition is Lt Misty Holder at the address above or email millicentholderlangleyafmil or phone 757 7644247