Notice ID
Points of Contact Joetta A Bernhard Contracting Officer 315 3302308 email JoettaBernhardrlafmil Mr Daniel F Fayette Program Manager 315 3302151 email fayettedrlafmil The Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory AFRL is soliciting proposals for new concepts tactics and tools to support effectsbased operations The scope of this announcement is to acquire necessary technologies and their integration to support an EffectsBased Operations EBO Advanced Technology Demonstration ATD The specific goals are to a develop an operationally oriented framework for EBO which includes EBO term definitions indicators of effects differences and similarities between EBO approaches and others and application examples of EBO b provide tools and techniques to support the warfighter in planning executing and assessing effectsbased campaigns c integrate the effectsbased tools and techniques into an EBO dynamic tasking toolkit and d assess the effectiveness of the toolkit through a series of measured experiments and exercises The scope of this ATD covers a broad range of technology disciplines including but not limited to collaborative planning assessment modeling simulation knowledgebased representation and problem solving targeting and infrastructure support which includes agent database middleware and visualization technologies Specific capabilities of interest to the EBO ATD include a efficiently determining effectsbased campaign strategy b improved planning leading to more accurate specification of logistics requirements both physically and temporally c developing synchronized campaign and combat assessment requests for information RFIs d enabling what if analysis of strategytask options to optimize use of joint assets e integrating lethalnonlethal Information Operations IO methods in a common framework f focusingleveraging Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance ISR assets in campaign assessment eg are we accomplishing objectives g supporting rapid development of high quality target sets h developing indicators of battle damage i supporting retargeting in light of battle damage j providing automation support for building both strategy and assessment plans k supporting generation of tasks to drive the Master Air Attack Plan MAATAir Tasking Order ATO process l providing a continuous monitoring capability with links to operational databases m providing a drilldown feature that allows rapid response to General Officerdecision maker questions n providing critical information for development of support plans o supporting the rapid collectiondisplay of accurate relevant information for decision making p integrating analysis tools into C2 systems and the decision making process q enabling predictive C2 r providing realistic train as you fight environment AFRL requires innovative yet demonstrable and usable software solutions to meet the need of the EBO ATD Technical solutions should emphasize the use of open systems that accommodate distributed modular and extensible approaches Deliverables will be technical reports robust software prototypes and demonstrations Additional information concerning this Advanced Technology Demonstration ATD Program including a Concepts of Operations CONOPS for Effects Based Operations can be found at httpwwwifafrlafmildivIFKprdaprdamainhtml It is intended that multiple awards be made under this PRDA The subject PRDA is soliciting two types of proposals Type 1 Technology Proposals and Type 2 Integration Assessment Proposals Type 1 proposals are to address the EBO operational framework andor technology in support of EBO items a and b stated as specific goals above Type 2 proposals are to address a the development of a technical architecture framework for tool integration bthe integration of the EBO technology tools c the development of EBO experimentsexercises and d the measurement of the EBO toolkit in the context of the experimentsexercises Offerors submitting Type 2 proposals are prohibited from submitting Type 1 proposals Offerors may submit multiple Type 1 proposals Only one Type 2 award will be made under this PRDA Principal funding of the PRDA and the anticipated award of contracts will start in FY01 Individual awards will not normally exceed 36 months in duration with dollar amounts normally ranging between 250K to 35M Total funding for the PRDA is 20M THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ONLY SOLICITATION DO NOT SUBMIT A FORMAL PROPOSAL AT THIS TIME An informational brief will be held at Air Force Research Laboratory on 11 Jul 00 in the auditorium of Building 106 26 Electronic Parkway Rome NY at 900 AM Please notify Ms Carla Burns if you will be attending at 315 3302638 or email burnscrlafmil Offerors are required to submit 5 copies of a 15 page or less white paper with a cover letter Small Business only should send one 1 copy of the cover letter only 1st Class Mail Unclassified Only to ATTN Ms Janis Norelli Director of Small Business AFRLIFB 26 Electronic Parkway Rome NY 134414514 The white paper will be formatted as follows Section A Title Period of Performance Cost Name of Company White paper Type Section B Effort objective and Section C Technical Summary Offerors must mark their white papersproposals with the restrictive language stated in FAR 15609 All responses to this announcement must be addressed to ATTN Daniel F Fayette Reference PRDA0006IFKPA AFRLIFTB 525 Brooks Road Rome NY 134414505 Multiple white papers within the purview of this announcement may be submitted by each offeror The purpose of the white paper is to preclude unwarranted effort on the part of an offeror whose proposed work is not of interest to the Government Those white papers found to be consistent with the intent of the PRDA may be invited to submit a technical and cost proposal Such invitation does not assure that the submitting organization will be awarded a contract Complete instructions for proposal preparation will be forwarded with the invitation for proposal submission Evaluation of the Type 1 proposals and white papers will be performed using the following criteria which are listed in descending order of relative importance 1 Overall scientific and technical merit including familiarity with effectsbased operations how the proposed technology addresses the needs of the EBO CONOPS the approach for the development andor enhancement of the proposed technology and its evaluation 2 Related Experience the extent to which the offeror demonstrates technology and domain knowledge 3 The extent to which existing capabilities and standards are leveraged and the relative maturity of the proposed technology in terms of reliability and robustness and 4 Reasonableness and realism of proposed costs and fees if any Evaluation of the Type 2 proposals and white papers will be performed using the following criteria which are listed in descending order of relative importance 1 Overall technical and management plan for a developing a technical architecture framework for tool integration b integrating the EBO technology tools c developing EBO experimentsexercises and d assessing the EBO toolkit in the context of the experimentsexercises 2 Offerors demonstrated capability to successfully integrate various technologies ie adaptation scaleup and successfully conduct experiments ie evaluation and technology demonstration 3 Reasonableness and realism of proposed costs and fees if any Options are discouraged and unpriced options will not be considered for award The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract or any other contract It is however an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost specified in FAR 3120518 Foreignowned offerors are advised that their participation is excluded at the prime contract level Data subject to export control constraints may be involved and only firms on the Certified Contractor Access List CCAL will be allowed access to such data For further information on CCAL contact the Defense Logistics Service Center at 18003523572 The work to be performed may require a SECRETNOFORN facility clearance and safeguarding capability therefore personnel identified for assignment to a classified effort must be cleared for access to SECRETNOFORN information at the time of award The cutoff date for submission of white papers is 3 Aug 00 for FY01 20 Aug 01 for FY02 20 Aug 02 for FY03 and 20 Aug 03 for FY04 This PRDA is open and effective until cancelled An Ombudsman has been appointed to hear significant concerns from offerors or potential offerors for this announcement Routine questions are not considered to be significant concerns and should be communicated directly to the Contracting Officer Joetta A Bernhard 315 3302308 The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to diminish the authority of the Contracting Officer or Program Manager but to communicate contractor concerns issues disagreement and recommendations to the appropriate Government personnel The Ombudsman for this acquisition is Vincent Palmiero Deputy Chief AFRLIFK at 315 3307746 When requested the Ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern The Ombudsman should only be contacted with issues or problems that have been previously brought to the attention of the contracting officer and could not be satisfactorily resolved at that level To receive a copy of the AFRLIFK BAA PRDA A Guide for Industry Sep 1996 Rev write ATTN Debbie Cutler AFRLIFK 26 Electronics Parkway Rome NY 134414515 or fax her at FAX 3153304728 or the guide may be accessed at httpwwwifafrlafmildivIFKbpguidehtml All responsible firms may submit a white paper which shall be considered Respondents are asked to provide their Commercial and Government Entity CAGE number with their submission as well as a fax number and an email address and reference PRDA0006IFKPA Only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the Government