Notice ID
CBD Announcement DTFH6101X00102 1 P 2 0712 3 01 4 5 20590 6 A Research and Development 7 DOT Fed Hwy Admin 400 7th Street SW Rm 4410 Washington DC 20590 8 AMayday911 Field Operational Test 9 DTFH6101X00102 10 090401 11 Carl Rodriguez 202 3664240 12 NA 13 NA 14 NA 15 NA 16 NA 17 The US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration FHWA seeks Applications from publicprivate partnerships to conduct one or more Field Operational Tests FOTs that will demonstrate effective voice and data interfaces between Telematics Service Providers TSPs and Public Safety Answering Points PSAPS The FOTs will demonstrate and evaluate communications approaches that provide Telematics Service Providers TSPs an ability to directly access emergency 911operators This test will also demonstrate the process by which TSP call centers identify and make contact with the appropriate PSAP911 operator based upon the location of a telematics equipped vehicle Applicants will be required to provide at least 20 percent match to the federal funding and show compelling written evidence that working relationships are established The FHWA anticipates making multiple awards under this Request For Applications RFA The ENTIRE RFA will be published on the Electronic Posting System EPS at HTTPWWWEPSGOV Therefore all prospective Applicants are instructed to obtain the RFA from those sources The FHWA does not plan to issue any HARD copies of the RFA to any prospective Applicant Prospective Applicants are instructed not to send letters faxes or emails requesting the RFA Telephoned emailed and faxed requests for the RFA will not be accepted Any subsequent amendments to the RFA will likewise be published on the EPS at the Internet address referenced above The US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration does not plan to mail out copies of any such Amendments It shall be the responsibility of each prospective Applicant to closely and frequently monitor the EPS for any possible Amendments THE RFA WILL BE FULLY COMPETITIVE There is no incumbent