Notice ID
NA Reference is made to the synopsis published in FedBizOpps and the CBD on 16 November 2001 for Solicitation DTRA0102T0006 for Clerical Administrative Professional and Facilities Services for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency The purpose of this pos ting is to resynopsis the entire requirement as well as indicate revisions to that synopsis 1 The solicitation number is changed FROM DTRA0102T0006 TO DTRA0102R0009 all future postings on FedBizOpps or the CBD for this requirement will referenc e DTRA0102R0009 2 Clarify purpose of the DRAFT RFP 3 Correct the oa date for issuance of the FINAL RFQ 4 Establish alternate procedures for obtaining the RFQ should posting of the RFQ on FedBizOpps be unsuccessful and 5 Establish a mechani sm for firms to be included on a list that will be provided with the FINAL RFQ that indicates firms which are interested in being team partners and firms who as the prime offeror are looking for team partners The following is a reissue of the synopsis po sted on 16 November 2001 with revisions at the end of the synopsis for items 2 through 5 stated above ORIGINAL SYNOPSIS Reference is made to the Source Sought Synopsis W100 SN50I869 that was posted on the CBDNet on April 10 2001 for Clerical A dministrative Professional and Facilities Services for an Agency Support Contract for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency DTRAASC01 Based on an analysis of the information obtained from extensive market research DTRA has finalized its acquisition s trategy for meeting this requirement A single Blanket Purchase Agreement BPA will be awarded utilizing GSA Federal Supply Schedule Contracts Based on the variety of GSA Schedules that will be necessary to meet this requirement it is anticipated that team arrangements will be required The following is a list of the schedules that have been identified in order to provide all the required services Mail Management Services 733 I Temporary Support Services Clerical Professional 736 III Human Resource Management and EEO Services 738 X Office Imaging and Document Solutions 36 General Purpose Commercial Information Technology Equipment Software and Services 70 Professional Engineering Services 871 Management Organizational and Busi ness Improvement Services 874 Language Services 738 II Logistics Worldwide 874 V Auditing and Financial Management Services 872 Marketing Media and Public Information Services 738 I Environmental Services 899 Comprehensive Furniture Mana gement Services 71 II K and Solutions and More 539 Examples of the type of services encompassing each of the above four categories are 1 CLERICAL General office accounting clerk files maintenance and data input 2 ADMINISTRATIVE Maildi stribution courier FOIA processing accounting reproduction document conversion destruction records management publishing financial legal and conference room management 3 FACILITY Environmental analysis access controlescort maintenance s pace planning furniture moving and installation and 4 PROFESSIONAL Web services web page design network connectivity information technology electronic commerce protocol operations photovideo consulting management analysis graphics auditing conferences translation interpretation program management research and writing data collection and analysis contract closeout human resources security expertise professional engineering asset management training organizational improvement an d public affairs The BPA will be issued for a fiveyear period with an estimated total value of 25M approximately 5M per year Should GSA establish a policy for options in BPAs option periods may be added at a later date The services are required to be provided in the National Capital Region It is desirable but not required that some or all of these services be available at other DTRA ge