Notice ID
Sources are sought for a followon contract to provide a program for Academic SkillsHigh School diplomas at overseas military installations in the Pacific Area The programs desired are High School Diploma Program Fixed ClassTutorialMixed Delivery and Academic Skills Fixed ClassTutorialMixed Delivery The basic period of performance will be 1 August 2003 31 July 2004 with five oneyear options to extend the contracts through 31 July 2009 Final solicitations will be issued on or about 25 February 2002 and will close on or about 26 June 2002 A DRAFT of the Request For Proposal RFP is available for industry comment A site visit to selected locations in Hawaii Korea Mainland Japan and Okinawa is scheduled from 18 April 2002 3 May 2002 Questions must be submitted in writing NO LATER THAN 5 March 2002 A preproposal conference will be held in Washington DC on or about 21 March 2002