Notice ID
Questions about the solicitation for Focus GroupUsability Tests and Interim Redesign of FirstGovgov We received many questions about this solicitation We have condensed some of the questions eliminated redundant questions and put what was left into categories Proposal Submission Date There are two submission dates in the requirement 1219 and 1221 What is the correct date you want the submission of the response The two submission dates of 1219 and 1221 was an error that was corrected by Modification 1 to this solicitation Modification 1 made it clear that the correct submission date was 1221 However GSA has decided to extend the date for receipt of proposals from 122101 to a new date of 122801 by 300 pm EST Electronic submission email of proposal is preferred The email address is MichaelJacksongsagov However if an offeror does not possess email capability please send the hard copy of the proposal to Michael O JacksonMVF General Services Administration Office of Acquisition Policy 1800 F Street Room 4006 Washington DC 20405 The hard copy of the proposal must reach Mr Jackson by 300 pm EST December 28 2001 Are you expecting actual proposal responses to this presolicitation notice by 12212001 or will there be an actual RFP etc released If an RFP is forthcoming when do you anticipate its release Proposals are due by 122801 300pm EST The requirement was published as a combined synopsissolicitation therefore the notice constitutes the solicitation also Award Date When is the estimated award date January 2002 Deadline for Questions Is there a deadline for submitting questions The deadline for submission of questions is 300 pm EST Wednesday December 19 2001 Contract Duration What are your desired completion dates for each of the two major project tasks 1 Focus GroupUsability Tests 2 Interim Redesign of FirstGovgov The performance period in the combined synopsissolicitation notice is modified as follows Work on the focus group and usability tests and the attendant report and recommendations must be completed 60 days after award of the contract Preliminary design plans must be submitted within 90 days after the award Work on the redesign plan must be completed within 6 months after the award Contract Process and Management Are services required to be performed on site full time or will point of contact via the project manager suffice The contractor should propose the strategy heshe feels most appropriate to meet all of the Governments requirements Although the link to the FAR is a dead link we did find the Reps and Certs Are there any other business proposal instructions that we should be aware of See various QAs throughout this modification Do you want the proposal delivered in paper or electronically If paper how many copies If electronically will Word and Excel work File size limitations Proposal should be delivered electronically in a Microsoft Word document Microsoft Excel is also acceptable Printed hard copy of technical proposal cannot exceed ten pages This tenpage limitation does not include attachments for resumes and past performance Each offeror is requested to provide three past performance references for similar work As well as a brief summary of each reference please provide names and current phone numbers for each of the three past performance references There is no page limitation for the price proposal What is the expected level of participation of FirstGov staff Specifically how many resources what general skills and what time commitment can we expect to support joint project tasks Full participation from project leader with other resources and skills as needed What is the decision process for a contract award oral presentations reference demonstrations etc There are no oral prese