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Contract Opportunity result Lists

Showing 6581 - 6590 of 7209467 results
J -- Military Family Housing Maintenance
Notice ID 298ed67ed69932252edab10ac0ee7c7d

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 337ad55a0720eafeafed5901432c6221


  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Modification/Amendment/Cancel
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09
93 -- Fiberglass
Notice ID 02cc6cf98109394ff237da9e144f0655

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT OF
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09
Y -- Culvert Replacement
Notice ID f91ad38608087d549d1aceb6edc9f29c

Work consists of installation of 18 and 24 inch diameter polymeric coated corrugated steel pipe including all bedding and backfill emoval and disposal of existing culverts Ouachita National Forest Arkansas Open to both large and small business concerns Estimate is between 100000 and 250000

  • Department/Ind.Agency AGRICULTURE, DEPARTMENT OF
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09
B -- Focus Group/Usability Tests and Interim Redesign of FirstGov.gov
Notice ID 6bc6c43682d3d1502430bccbeb6d3d37

Questions about the solicitation for Focus GroupUsability Tests and Interim Redesign of FirstGovgov We received many questions about this solicitation We have condensed some of the questions eliminated redundant questions and put what was left into categories Proposal Submission Date There are two submission dates in the requirement 1219 and 1221 What is the correct date you want the submission of the response The two submission dates of 1219 and 1221 was an error that was corrected by Modification 1 to this solicitation Modification 1 made it clear that the correct submission date was 1221 However GSA has decided to extend the date for receipt of proposals from 122101 to a new date of 122801 by 300 pm EST Electronic submission email of proposal is preferred The email address is MichaelJacksongsagov However if an offeror does not possess email capability please send the hard copy of the proposal to Michael O JacksonMVF General Services Administration Office of Acquisition Policy 1800 F Street Room 4006 Washington DC 20405 The hard copy of the proposal must reach Mr Jackson by 300 pm EST December 28 2001 Are you expecting actual proposal responses to this presolicitation notice by 12212001 or will there be an actual RFP etc released If an RFP is forthcoming when do you anticipate its release Proposals are due by 122801 300pm EST The requirement was published as a combined synopsissolicitation therefore the notice constitutes the solicitation also Award Date When is the estimated award date January 2002 Deadline for Questions Is there a deadline for submitting questions The deadline for submission of questions is 300 pm EST Wednesday December 19 2001 Contract Duration What are your desired completion dates for each of the two major project tasks 1 Focus GroupUsability Tests 2 Interim Redesign of FirstGovgov The performance period in the combined synopsissolicitation notice is modified as follows Work on the focus group and usability tests and the attendant report and recommendations must be completed 60 days after award of the contract Preliminary design plans must be submitted within 90 days after the award Work on the redesign plan must be completed within 6 months after the award Contract Process and Management Are services required to be performed on site full time or will point of contact via the project manager suffice The contractor should propose the strategy heshe feels most appropriate to meet all of the Governments requirements Although the link to the FAR is a dead link we did find the Reps and Certs Are there any other business proposal instructions that we should be aware of See various QAs throughout this modification Do you want the proposal delivered in paper or electronically If paper how many copies If electronically will Word and Excel work File size limitations Proposal should be delivered electronically in a Microsoft Word document Microsoft Excel is also acceptable Printed hard copy of technical proposal cannot exceed ten pages This tenpage limitation does not include attachments for resumes and past performance Each offeror is requested to provide three past performance references for similar work As well as a brief summary of each reference please provide names and current phone numbers for each of the three past performance references There is no page limitation for the price proposal What is the expected level of participation of FirstGov staff Specifically how many resources what general skills and what time commitment can we expect to support joint project tasks Full participation from project leader with other resources and skills as needed What is the decision process for a contract award oral presentations reference demonstrations etc There are no oral prese

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Modification/Amendment/Cancel
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09
B -- Focus Group/Usability Tests and Interim Redesign of FirstGov.gov
Notice ID 46eb080bd272b357a51c71920be56ce2

Are there any points of the test plan that the government has already identified mission critical or otherwise that are to be included in this plan Yes See next answer If yes can this information be made available to prospective offerorsbidders prior to bid submission deadline with enough time allowed to incorporate into a responsive proposal This information will be made available at the time of the award Has the government received feedback to clearly identify areas in the problem statement which will be required to be addressed during the performance period Yes but the information is not sufficient See next answer If so can the government provide a copy or statement of problems which have already been identified and will most likely be included in the test plan No The awardee will help categorize and rank the issues or opportunities we have identified and help identify others Whose responsibility is payment of participant incentives the government or the contractors since the contract is being awarded as a firm fixed price this is an important element Participants can be volunteers Otherwise participant incentives are at the expense of the contractor which are part of the contract costs Can the costs associated with recruitment facilities are already at government expense and participant incentives be modified in the contract to become direct costs which are then paid by the contract then billed to the government as a direct cost to the contract All costs associated with performance should be in the price proposal There are three primary customers they list citizens businesses and governments Are there any further specifications around these customers eg governments to include state city county governments or for citizens to include all or only those who are online experienced Participants government employees from all levels of government and citizens must be computer literate and all must have at least a small amount of experience online Under Task 1 and later under Deliverable it says up to three usability tests and up to four onetoone interviews Does this really mean up to three focus groups and four sets of oneonone usability testsone for each stakeholder group This make more sense for what is typically done in usability testing No We expect three focus groups andor group usability sessions up to three oneonone usability tests as well as four interviews with stakeholders Are there key finds youre looking for through usability testing Yes what the consumer market wants and needs Are we correct in assuming that these stakeholders are government employees who would participate as part of their job and thus there would be no need to recruit them or compensate them for there time We expect to use a few government employees but contractors should expect to recruit from the appropriate levels of government They will not have to be compensated if tests are done during workday hours Should the cost portion of a submitted response include the cost of participant incentives Yes however some of the participants can be volunteers such as government employees What stakeholders are anticipated to be participants in the indepth interviews We will provide this guidance at the time of the contract award The solicitation specifies 3 usability tests we assume that each test will be with one of the three audiences outlined in the statement of workconsumers business and government audiences Is this correct Are government audiences defined simply as individuals who work for the Federal government in some capacity The three audiences are correct The contractor can mix audiences in the sessions Government employees can be local state federal or tribal employees In what ways is the California site judged to be superior Is this based on existing user r

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Modification/Amendment/Cancel
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09
B -- Focus Group/Usability Tests and Interim Redesign of FirstGov.gov
Notice ID a081a108076004f425e43fe91698eca8

Additional QAs 1 The subject solicitation stipulates a 10page limitation on the offerors proposal My question is is a font size of 10 acceptable or must it be a font size of 12 Answer 12 2 Does the electronic version of the proposal need to be limited to 10 pages Answer The technical proposal when printed out must not exceed 10 pages 3 What is the definition of a small business for purposes of this solicitation Is it a certain amount of receipts per year for the company If so what is the amount There is a mention of a Simplified Acquisition Threshold of 100000 Is this the threshold of the project award amount or is it the threshold of the amount of annual receipts of the company that is to be considered a small business for purposes of this solicitation Answer The Simplified Acquisition Threshold is 100000 The Government estimates that the cost of this effort will be under this threshold of 100000 therefore this procurement has to be reserved for small business The Government defines a small business for this procurement using the NAICS code 541512 and the size standard of 18 million a year 4 We need clarification on exactly how many groups and interviews to bid on And are the interviews also oneonones at a facility using a computer or are they telephone interviews or some other type of interview Answer This deliverable is stated very clearly in the Statement of Work Please see Deliverable B under Task 2 Interim Redesign The bidder should determine how best to conduct these interviews and submit this as part of their proposal 5 Does the administering authority of FirstGov employ a current set of usability metrics eg accessibility form use performance maintainability ease of navigation readability etc Answer Yes some Should the bidder examine and incorporate these measures as protocols for this project If so what method may a prospective bidder use to access the current usability metrics Answer This should be referenced as a step the bidder will take however it is not necessary that each protocol is addressed specifically in the proposal 6 What is the purpose of conducting Focus Groups To establish a graphical direction for your site or are you thinking you will be able to drive requirements for future redesign from this data Answer To establish a graphical direction improve the information architecture and to drive future designs Is an alternative to Focus Group testing acceptable as an alternative in our proposal as long as it meets the requirement for obtaining needed information about your users Answer Yes 7 Given that the period of performance is now specified as 6 months do you still expect that the bidders project leader will be engaged fulltime on this project during that 6 month period of performance Answer There should not be more than one project leader assigned to FirstGov This is important for consistency of project management There will be some time when the project leader will be working full time with FirstGov but we dont anticipate that this will be for the duration of the project There should be one point of contact the project leader with the contractor We understand that other individuals may be assigned to handle certain aspects of the project however project management tasks should be handled by the project leader

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Modification/Amendment/Cancel
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09
C -- C - Architectural-Engineering Design Services for the New Construction of the Mobile, Alabama Courthouse Building
Notice ID bb35cdeadc8e8e75caa52905033cd7eb

SHORTLIST OF DESIGN FIRMSAE TEAMS FOR THE MOBILE AL COURTHOUSE PROJECT The four teams selected to advance to STAGE III of the Design Excellence Selection Process are in alphabetical order 1 Mr James Garrison GARRISON ARCHITECTS 180 Varick Street New York NY 10014 2 Mr Mack Scogin MACK SCOGIN MERRIL ELAM ARCHITECTS 75 JWDobbs Ave NE Atlanta GA 30303 3 Mr Moshe Safdie MOSHE SAFDIE and ASSOCIATES INC 100 Properzi Way Somerville MA 021433740 4 Mr Harry Wolf WOLF ARCHITECTURE 24955 Pacific Coast Highway Suite C101 Malibu CA 90265 NO RESPONSE IS REQUIRED TO THIS NOTICE

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Special Notice
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09
73 -- GS05P02GAE0026 - Cafeteria Food Services, Hamond, Indiana
Notice ID 79a02eae793459c1eaee9a5641af5df2

GS05P02GAE0026 is for Cafeteria Food Services at the Federal Building US Courthouse 5400 Federal Plaza Hammond Indiana The contractor shall establish and operate in the contractors name the food service facilities as described in the solicitation for the purpose of dispensing food nonalcoholic beverages and such other items as may be authorized by the Contracting Officer in accordance with all terms and conditions specified within the solicitation This procurement is open to all business concerns The North American Industry Classification System Code NAICS is 722310 The solicitation is available through the Feb Biz Opps website Interested parties please access solicitation GS05P02GAE0026 at httpfedbizoppsgov This site provides instruction for downloading the solicitation file If you have any questions please contact Lisa M Jones Contract Specialist 312 8866913 All proposals are to be mailed to the General Services Administration PM Contract Support Services Branch 230 South Dearborn Street Room 3324 Chicago Illinois 60604

  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09
X -- Rental of Space
Notice ID 07d7b2d90870acabdbfd5e5d93607551

WANTED TO LEASE OFFICE SPACE TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT The United States Government desires to lease approximately 150 to 200 net usable square feet of office space in HoughtonMichigan within the Central Business District CBD of Houghton Michigan The space must be fully serviced and altered to meet the Federal Governments standards for Fire Safety and Handicapped Accessibility The space offered must be contiguous The General Services Administration does not use tenant brokers to represent the Government in lease negotiations or transactions Brokers or agents may represent the prospective landlord but any properties or proposals submitted by brokersagents must be accompanied by written evidence they are authorized to represent the buildings ownership If you desire to list space for consideration please forward the pertinent information by January 31 2002 making reference to Solicitation For Offers SFO No GS05B17029 to General Services Administration Real Estate Division 36th Floor Central Branch 5PECM 230 South Dearborn Street Chicago Illinois 606041503 Attention Connie Chinn Telephone 3123537861

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-19 14:00:00+09