Notice ID
Due to questions received from prospective offerors the following information is provided 1 Make the following change to Section D Basis for Award page 15 paragraph 3a titled Proposal Risk Assessment of the announcement From Proposal risk will be individually assessed for the technical price and schedule area To Proposal risk will be individually assessed for the technical area 2 Reference page 5 Section A para C Objectives item 1 Aerospace Readiness levels are represented at current timeframes for this study effort ie 2002 timeframe This affects the study activity only 3 Reference page 5 Goals table A clarification is made of the baseline data that Phase II goals apply The baseline performance numbers are represented by the gas generator cycle engine defined in the IHPRPT chart However the cost is represented by the current cost for the SSME 4 Reference page 6 Section A para D Requirements diagram IHPRPT goals may be traded to achieve SOV LCC and operations requirements after separately addressing the IHPRPT goals 5 Reference page 5 Goals Table Each prospective offeror must address the sea level and vacuum conditions for the Specific Impulse Isp and Thrust to Weight TW