Notice ID
SOLICITATION RFQ FA487724QA245 FY24 355 CMS MultiRAE PhotoIonization Detectors and Sensors i Solicitation FA487724QA245 is issued as a Request for Quotation RFQ ii This solicitation document incorporates provisions and clauses in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 202403 in effect 23 February 2024 DFARS provisions and clauses in effect 26 March 2024 and DAFFARS provisions and clauses in effect 7 July 2023 iii This procurement is being issued as a Total Small Business setaside The North American Industry Classification System Code is 334519 with a size standard of 600 Employees iv The right to make multiple or no award is reserved in the event it is advantageous to the Government to do so v DavisMonthan Air Force Base intends to issue a firmfixed price purchase order for the following CLIN 001 5 EA PART NUMBER GVMBB3A1C1E00WT1 KIT WINGTANK ENTRY MULTIRAE PGM6228 TAA CLIN 0002 7 EA PART NUMBER C030911000 LEL SENSOR CLIN 0003 7 EA PART NUMBER C030942000 MULTIRAE O2 SENSOR CLIN 0004 7 EA PART NUMBER GVC030912002 PID SENSOR 01 PPM RES106 eV LAMP 6665016091403 vi The government will issue a purchase order to the offeror whose quote meets lowest price and technical acceptability Technical acceptability is defined and referred to within this solicitation document as the offerors capability statement to meet defined products requested vii Important DatesTimes All questions must be submitted via email no later than 19 Aril 2024 1000 AM MST AZ Local Time All quotes must be submitted via email no later than 26 April 2024 1000 AM MST AZ Local Time viii It is the responsibility of the offeror to review the posting for any changes or amendments that may occur concerning this RFQ It is the responsibility of the offeror to ensure all quotes andor questions are submitted no later than the specified datestimes x Point of Contacts Primary Elisa Montoya elisamontoyausafmil 520 2282377 Alternate Erick Millan erickramirezmillanusafmil 520 2284967 ix Attachments Attachment 1 Brand Name JustificationRedacted Attachment 2 Provisions Clauses 53522019101 Ombudsman OMBUDSMAN JUL 2023 a An ombudsman has been appointed to hear and facilitate the resolution of concerns from offerors potential offerors and others for this acquisition When requested the ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern The existence of the ombudsman does not affect the authority of the program manager contracting officer or source selection official Further the ombudsman does not participate in the evaluation of proposals the source selection process or the adjudication of protests or formal contract disputes The ombudsman may refer the interested party to another official who can resolve the concern b Before consulting with an ombudsman interested parties must first address their concerns issues disagreements andor recommendations to the contracting officer for resolution Consulting an ombudsman does not alter or postpone the timelines for any other processes eg agency level bid protests GAO bid protests requests for debriefings employeeemployer actions contests of OMB Circular A76 competition performance decisions c If resolution cannot be made by the contracting officer the interested party may contact the ombudsman Deputy Director of Contracting AFICC KC OLACC 114 Thompson Street Bldg 586 Room 129 Langley AFB VA 23665 telephone 757 7645372 DSN 5745372 email acc a7k1usafmil Concerns issues disagreements and recommendations that cannot be resolved at the CenterMAJCOMDRUSMC ombudsman level may be brought by the interested party for further consideration to the Air Force ombudsman Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary ADAS Contracting SAFAQC 1060 Air Force Pentagon Washington DC 203301060 phone number 571 2562395 facsimile number 571 2562431 d The ombudsman has no authority to render a decision that binds the agency e Do not contact the ombudsman to request copies of the solicitation verify offer due date or clarify technical requirements Such inquiries shall be directed to the contracting officer End of clause
FA4877 355 CONS PK