Notice ID
The General Services Administration GSA announces an opportunity for Design Excellence in public architecture for performance of ArchitecturalEngineering Design for a new Courthouse for the Federal District Courts in accordance with GSA quality standards and requirements The building is approximately 13000 gross square meters 140000 gross square feet including 33 interior parking spaces at a site located within or immediately adjacent to the Central Business District of Rockford IL The Estimated construction cost range is 30 million to 40 million The facility will be designed in hard metric units The scope of work will require at a minimum metric construction drawings specifications cost estimates value engineering services computeraided design and drafting CADD and post construction contract services PCCS for a Federal Courthouse that includes the construction of the new building and related systems both site and indoor parking site development client program development and socioeconomic and sustainable program features This building will also include GSA design standards for secure courthouses This building will be an anchor development in the neighborhood and should make a distinct architectural statement that is responsive to the overall urban design and quality of life in this burgeoning mixeduse neighborhood This is a Request for Qualifications RFQ of AE FirmsLead Designers interested in contracting for this work The AE firm as used in this RFQ is an association joint venture partnership or other entity that will have contractual responsibility for the project design The Lead Designer is the individual or design studio that will have primary responsibility for the design concept and the buildings architecture The AE Firm must clearly define the contractual relationship with the Lead Designer and its ability to manage the design and production of construction documents The government will not allow payment for travel living expense computer time or hookups for the prime or the consultants related to meeting the requirements of this RFQ The AE selection will be completed in three stages as follows In Stage I an interested firm will submit a portfolio of accomplishments to establish the design capabilities of the AE Firm and its Lead Designer All documentation will be in an 8 12 x 11 format The Stage I submission should include the following A a cover letter referencing the CBD announcement and briefly describing the firm its location organizational makeup and noteworthy accomplishments B Standard Form 254 ArchitectEngineer and Related Services Questionnaire and Standard Form 255 ArchitectEngineer and Related Services Questionnaire for Specific Project modified to include only the AEs information Identification of consultants is not required at this stage and C a design portfolio which is to include the following submission requirements and evaluation criteria 1 Lead Designer Portfolio 35 of evaluated score Submit a portfolio representative of the Lead Designers ability to provide design excellence Submit graphics maximum of three pages per project and a typewritten description maximum of two pages per project of up to three new construction projects completed in the last ten years The narrative shall address the design philosophy with salient features for each project and discuss how the clients program functional image mission economic schedule and operational objectives were satisfied by the overall designplanning solution Include tangible evidence where possible such as certificates awards peer recognition etc demonstrating design excellence Where there is duplication with criteria 3 the Lead Designer will address hisher participation in the project 2 Philosophy and Design Intent 25 In the Lead Designers words maximum of two typewritten pages state the overall design philosophy an