Notice ID
ELECTRONIC RFP ANNOUNCEMENT POTENTIAL OFFERORS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DOWNLOADING THEIR OWN COPY OF THE SOLICITATION AND AMENDMENTS ANNUAL RESOLICITATION OF RECORD LINKAGE MASTER AGREEMENT N01CP0100313 The Division of Cancer Epidemiology Genetics National Cancer Institute NCI is interested in expanding their existing pool of Master Agreement holders for Record Linkage Studies Utilizing Resources in PopulationBased Tumor Registries The NCI desires to contract with populationbased tumor registries in order to collaborate in the conduct of recordlinkage and subsequent analytical investigations The main tasks in support of the recordlinkage studies include developing a study plan developing or applying appropriate recordlinkage procedures to link a population file with the cancer registry files evaluating results from the recordlinkage study providing results of the recordlinkage study to the NCI in the form of a computer file with appropriate documentation of record format and variables used developing recordkeeping procedures to maintain filing systems of all relevant material and monitoring performance and providing written technical and financial reports as required under a subsequent Master Agreement Order Optional capabilities include providing biologic specimens and providing access to other existing computerized registries that have been or could be linked to the cancer registry Offerors will be evaluated on their qualification as a populationbased cancer registry including their knowledge of the population at risk ability to provide completeness of ascertainment of incident cancer cases in the population validity of classification and coding of all cancer cases procedures used for case followup ability to provide fiveyear cancer incidence data ability to maintain data in a secure environment and qualifications and experience of the registry and personnel In addition offerors will be evaluated on their technical response to a sample master agreement order on a hypothetical recordlinkage study The Master Agreement contract mechanism is a prequalification to enable qualified sources to compete for and perform future contracts which will be awarded based on Request for Proposals RFPs Master Agreements MA will be awarded to all offerors whose technical proposal is determined to be acceptable The initial Master Agreement award is nonmonetary and is exclusively for the purpose of establishing a pool of contractors who are qualified to perform services for epidemiologic studies of cancer using the resources of populationbased tumor registries The obligation of funds shall be accomplished solely through the award of a contract Each MA holder will be eligible to compete for future contract awards for recordlinkage studies Each MA holder who is also determined to be qualified to provide the optional biospecimen component andor the ability to link other populationbased registries to their cancer registry will be eligible to compete for those types of orders as well Current MA holders who are currently not eligible to compete for the biospecimen component or ability to link to other populationbased registries component may submit additional clarifying information which will be reviewed to determine technical acceptability for those options MA holders who choose to compete for future Master Agreement Orders will be selected based on technical merit budgetary considerations and other factors All responsible sources meeting these criteria are encouraged to submit a proposal and will be considered by the NCI All proposals should reference N01CP0100313 It is anticipated that the solicitation package will be available electronically on or about January 15 2002 The RFP may be accessed through the Research Contracts Branch Home Page by using the following internet address httprcbncinihgov then Click on Current Requests for P