Notice ID
Special Note Reference Orginial CBDNet Submission No 5154K2 Dated December 20 2001 Subject to availability of funds the United States Agency for International Development to Honduras USAIDHonduras intends to post a request for proposals for technical assistance to establish the strategic results required to ensure a successful initial implementation by Honduras justice sector institutions particularly the Judiciary of the new Criminal Procedures Code CPC The CPC as approved by the National Congress in December of 1999 and published into law in May of 2000 is due for full implementation nationwide on February 20 2002 Contract work should build upon andor be incorporated into sector activities as currently supported by USAID pursuant to a multiphase work plan the Interinstitutional Road Map for CPC implementation developed in consultation with an Interinstitutional Commision for Criminal Justice Reform established in 2000 The resulting Contract will be for an 18 monthperiod USAIDHonduras will seek proposals from qualified US firms to deliver the services described above This procurement is a full and open competition The issuance date of the RFP is expected to be approximately 011502 The closing date for submission of the proposals to be specified in the RFP will be approximately thirty 30 days thereafter The NAIC code for this procurement is 541990 To obtain a copy of the RFP write or telefax to the below address with the solicitation number company address and phone number of contact person To ensure timely receipt of solicitation amendments and provide the maximum response time please also provide telefax number if available Phone requests will not be honored The preferred method of distribution of USAID Acquisition and Assistance AA information is via the Internet By exception USAID can provide solicitations on a 35 floppy disk Microsoft 97 format via email or in hard copy You are encouraged to access the solicitation via the Internet as this eliminates possible delays associated with mailing in general and particularly from overseas Missions You must confirm in writing to the contact person noted below that you have received this solicitation through the Internet As the recipient of this solicitation document you are responsible for ensuring that you have received it from INTERNET in its entirety USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes Further be aware that amendments to solicitations are occasionally issued and will be posted on the same Internet site from which you downloaded the solicitation Generally the Agreement Officer will issue amendments to all those who have sent in the written confirmation of solicitation receipt However USAID does not guarantee that an amendment will be issued to you directly based upon written confirmation that you have downloaded the solicitation from the FBO Site