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Contract Opportunity result Lists

Showing 2491 - 2500 of 7209467 results
Notice ID 10ac61f360ff36216a85d7e1daf0169e

This is a combined synopsissolicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format insubpart 126 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice This announcement Constitutes the only solicitation proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued This solicitation No F0260400T0916 is issued as a Request for Quotation RFQ This solicitation Document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 9719 This acquisition is 100 setaside for small business SIC 0782 Size Std 50 million Services Nonpersonal Contractor to provide all labor tools parts materials transportation devices supervision and other items necessary for the Grounds Maintenance for the 944th Fighter Wing Complex on 14 buildings and associated grounds at Luke AFB AZ as defined in statement of work SOW It is strongly recommended that a site visit be performed POC TSgt Charles Tehan Tele 623 8563081 Services will be in accordance with STATEMENT OF WORK SOW for a copy call 623 8567179 x 233 Period of service 1 OCT 2000 30 SEP 2001 Basis of award award will be made to the lowestprice Offeror best demonstrating their ability to satisfy the technical capabilities of the items specified FOB Destination to Luke AFB AZ All prices shall include all Federal State and Local taxes Period of acceptance of offers the offeror agrees to hold the prices in its offer firm for 90 calendar days from the date specified for the receipt of offers The following FAR DFARS provisions and clauses apply to this solicitation FAR 522121 Instructions to OfferorsCommercial Items Offerors shall include with the submission of their offer a complete copy of the provision at FAR 522123 Offeror Representation and CertificationCommercial Items Far 522124 Contract Terms and ConditionsCommercial Items FAR 522125 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive OrderCommercial Items with addenda incorporating FAR clauses 5222241 Service Contract Act 522233 Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data 522235 Pollution Prevention and RighttoKnow Information 5222226 Equal Opportunity 5222235 Affirmative Action for Special Disabled and Vietnam ERA Veterans 5222236 Affirmative Action for Handicapped Workers 5222241Service Contract Act of 1995 as Amended DFARS 2522127001 Contract terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or executive orders Applicable to Defense Acquisitions of Commercial Items with addenda incorporating DFARS clausess 2522257001 Buy American Act and Balance of Payment Program To be considered for award bidders must also comply with DFARS 2522047004 Required Central Contractor Registration and FAR 5223233 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer Central Contract registration can be obtained through the Internet at wwwccr2000com or by calling 888 2272423 The applicable Service wage Determination is 942023 Rev 13 Dated 01 Jun 99 Offers shall be submitted in writing and received not later than 430 PM local time 28 September 2000 Arizona does not observe daylight savings time Direct any questions or concerns to Eric Hinterberger at 623 8567179 X 233 All proposals may be faxed to 602 8563057 or email erichinterbergerlukeafmil

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA4887 56 CONS CC
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2000-09-13 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 3b1b65f9db25848c5b7b62073ef45117

This is a combined synopsissolicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in FAR subpart 126 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice This announcement constitutes the only solicitation proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued This solicitation Number F0260400BA052 is issued as a Request for Proposals RFP This document and incorporated provisions and clauses are those in effect through Federal Acquisition Circular 9717 This acquisition is set aside for 100 small businesses SIC 3448 SCHEDULE OF ITEMS Purchase and delivery of 113 used portable storage containers Containers shall be a mixture of 40 to 60 in length while being structurally sound with no major damage Paint shall be as is Required delivery atleast 34 units shall be delivered within 30 days after receipt of award The next batch of atleast 34 shall be delivered within 60 days after receipt of award The remaining containers shall be delivered within 6 months after receipt of award FOB Destination to Gila Bend AFAF AZ Proposals shall include all costs associated to include cost of all freight labor and applicable taxes CONTRACT CLAUSES All Provisions and Clauses may be viewed from the Internet site httpwwwarnetgovfar FAR 522121 Instructions to OfferorsCommercial Items applies to this solicitation Offerors shall include with the submission of their offer a completed copy of the provision at FAR 522123 Offeror Representations and CertificationsCommercial Items 522116 Brand Name or Equal 522198 Utilization of Small Business Concerns 5222226 Equal Opportunity 5222235 Affirmative Action for Special Disabled and Vietnam ERA Veterans 5222236 Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities 5222237 Employment Reports on Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the Vietnam Era 5223233 Payment by Electronic Funds TransferCentral Contractor Registration DFARS 2522127001 Contract terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or executive orders Applicable to Defense Acquisitions of Commercial Items with addenda incorporating DFARS clausess 2522257001 Buy American Act and Balance of Payment Program 2522047004 Required Central Contractor Registration2522257012 Preference for Certain Domestic commodities 2522257021 Trade Agreements 2522257036 Buy American ActNorth American Free Trade Agreement Implementation ActBalance of Payments Program 2522477024 Notification of Transportation of Supplies by Sea Central Contract Registration can be obtained through the Internet at wwwccr2000com or by calling 888 2272423 Offers shall be submitted in writing either mailed faxed hand carried or emailed to ronrileylukeafmil and received not later than 400 PM local time 28 Sep 00 to 56 CONSLGCA Attn SSgt Ron Riley 14100 W Eagle St Luke AFB AZ 853091217 Arizona does not observe daylight savings time Direct questions to SSgt Ron Riley at 623 8567179 ext 269

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA4887 56 CONS CC
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2000-09-13 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 7f11e7fedf1091b8293695714aba7ca7

s 1999 report on Building the Joint Battlespace Infosphere SABTR9902 These reports are available at httpwwwsabhqafmilArchivesindexhtm PRDA Scope This announcement seeks to acquire the technologies necessary to prototype demonstrable results for the following1 JBI Fuselets2 JBI Fuselet Scripting Language and Rule Sets 3 JBI Fuselet Server and Library 4 Tools for JBI Fuselet Execution Monitoring and Management as well as to answer the following kinds of research questions 1 How can we use agent technology to develop JBI fuselets and DASADA technology to model simulate and control their combinatorial structure and behavior 2 How can we use DASADA technology to model and build JBIP components like the Fuselet Server and Fuselet Library and examinecontrol their interaction with fuselets information objects clients and other JBIP components 3 How can we use DASADA gauging technology to determine the fusability of information objects and what kinds of fuselets would be appropriate for them 4 How can we build off of this to provide the scripting diagnostic repair configuration monitoring inspection and management tools needed by the JFC Information Management Staff JBI Characteristics At the foundation of the JBI is a JBI Platform JBIP of protocols processes and common core functions that permit participating applications and organizations to share and exchange critical mission information in a timely manner It provides uniform mechanisms for publishing new and updated objects into the JBI and promptly alerts any JBI clients that are subscribing to such objects These properties enable dynamic information flows among client programs of the JBI serving to integrate the clients to conduct a single mission The operation of the JBI depends on the proper flow of information via dynamic publishsubscribe linkages If some aspect of this automated information flow is not working properly the Joint Force Commander JFC Information Management Staff will need to diagnose and fix the problem quickly Perhaps a JBI fuselet further described below and the focus of this PRDA has failed and is no longer subscribing to and processing its inputs To monitor and repair the JBI the Information Management Staff will need to be familiar with the information structure represented in the JBI and will need tools to inspect objects clients and fuselets that participate in the structure JBI Fuselets A fuselet is small program that subscribes to JBI information and publishes one or more new objects as a result of receiving the information being subscribed to Characteristics of fuselets for the JBI include the following Fuselets are written using a scripting language by Information Management Staff They can be created from scratch using scripting tools and rule sets or can be extracted by the JBI Fuselet Server described below from a library of fuselets used as is or configuredmodified to meet mission requirements Fuslets can be used to encode a commanders standing orders eg policy Fuselets operate on a set of rules eg boolean and probabilistic IFTHEN rules they do not exhibit common sense or judgement during execution Fuselets perform transformation and aggregation functions to transform data into knowls publishsubscribe mechanism Fuselets are part of the glue that makes the linkages that cause information in the JBI to flow to the right places in the right forms Fuselets use JBIs Structured Common Representation SCR and are often designed to be pertinent to particular object types like squadron and levels like wing level Tools are needed to configure monitor manage and repair fuselets and their associated information structures during execution Relevant COTSGOTS technologies include the eXtensible Markup Language XML ontologies agents and agentmarkuplanguages Common Object Request Broker Architecture CORBA Common Object Model COM Distributed Common Object Model DCOM Visual Basic JavaJini and JavaScript However in the implementation of fuselets there exists the need to be mindful of security concerns eg those associated with JavaScript and mobile code The JBI Fuselet Server mentioned above is part of the JBIP that manages and executes fuselets It utilizes a library of fuselets designed to support generic and missionspecific requirements for which the JBI is stood up The typical information objects that a fuselet works with consist of a set of attributevalue pairs that can be used to express arbitrary data structures Information objects have associated metadata attributes to aid in JBI query subscription and management dealing with storage access and security processes Agentbased Technology Programs Agents have been used for applications as diverse as information search filtering message routing and network control Commercial development of agent technology has focused largely on ecommerce applications such as web searching is primarily focused on singleagent systems and is generally immature for many defense unique requirements Therefore DARPA and AFRL are conducting research initiatives that focus on largescale dynamic heterogeneous multiagent systems Some representative programs are Control of AgentBased Systems CoABS Focuses on developing and demonstrating techniques to safely control coordinate and manage large systems of autonomous software agents httpisoisoticorgProgramsprogtempprogtempcfmmode126 httpwwwrlafmildivIFTIFTBcoabscoabshtml Autonomous Negotiating Teams ANTs Utilizes highly decentralized and autonomous negotiation of tasks roles and allocations to provide solutions for challenging distributed allocation problems httpwwwrlafmildivIFTIFTBantsantshtml DARPA Agent Mark Up Language DAML Create an Agent MarkUp Language DAML built upon XML that allows users to provide machinereadable semantic annotations for specific communities of interest and tools that embed DAML markup on to web pages and other information sources in a manner that is transparent and beneficial to the users httpisoisoticorgProgramsprogtempprogtempcfmmode347 Active Templates uses agent technology Develop lightweight planning and execution management software to automate military operations maintaining a causal model of the situation and providing incremental payoff as new automated functions are added and the causal model is improved httpisoisoticorgProgramsprogtempprogtempcfmmode332 The Composition Problem The Dynamic Assembly for Systems Adaptability Dependability and Assurance DASADA Program is a FY 2000 newstart initiative sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA to address current deficiencies in the composition of systems DASADA technology will enable system architecture refinement with guarantees that critical system properties will be assured through design principles that guide the selection adaptation and dynamic runtime assembly of appropriate system components DASADA adopts a threefaceted concurrent engineering paradigm for adaptable dependable and high assurance mission critical systems Continual Design Continual Coordination and Continual Validation In this model components are selected or constructed and customized and evaluated before system assembly Continual Design during system assembly Continual Coordination and after system assembly Continual Validation to ensure that they can and do operate together with the rest of the system in its current context and within tolerated bounds Continual Validation is particularly essential for assured applications because assurances that may have been met at initial system design time may not prove to be appropriate for field conditions which are subject to rapid change while the system is running Such applications typically cannot be taken down for long reengineering or enhancement cycles but must be dynamically assembled in response to feedback from runtime gauges of functional and nonfunctional system properties Two necessary bases for all three facets of dynamic assembly are 1 being able to precisely determine and usefully specify the room for variation in components and their composition and 2 being able to measure that components fit and continue to fit together as system and context change within functional and nonfunctional tolerances permitted by dynamically evolving system requirements The measurement probes must be insertable into legacy as well as new components and compositions and displayable to humans and automated agents as useful and quickly interpretable gauges to prevent inappropriate system assemblies and to trigger reassemblies promptly when needed More information on the DASADA Program can be found at httpwwwifafrlafmiltechprogramsdasadaindexhtml httpschafercorpballstoncomdasadaindex2html httpfrwebgateaccessgpogovcgibingetdoccgidbnameHTMLCBDALLdocidciteSN475649 PRDA Approach It is anticipated that offerors will investigate and apply COTS eg XML and GOTS eg DASADA technologies to incrementally develop a componentbased framework comprised of capabilities for the development scripting language and tools execution ruleconstraint monitoring and enforcement mechanisms and management JBI Fuselet SeverLibrary functions of JBI fuselets and associated components information objects other JBI clients and the JBIP It is envisioned that a agent technology will play a major role in the development of JBI fuselets and b the DASADA Program will provide many of the technologies eg Architecture Design Languages ADLs designtime and runtime gauges and tools for dynamic assemblyreassembly required to ensure that fuselets are designed to properly operate together operate with other JBI clients and operate with JBIP core services in the context of the JBI SCR and dynamically changing JBI mission requirements AFRL requires innovative yet demonstrable and usable solutions to meet the needs of this PRDA Technical solutions should emphasize the use of open systems that accommodate distributed modular and extensible approaches Deliverables will be technical reports robust software prototypes and demonstrations Additional information concerning this PRDA 0009 can be found at httpwwwifafrlafmildivIFKprdaprdamainhtml Principal funding of the PRDA and the anticipated award of efforts as a result of this PRDA will start in 2Q FY01 and will be in the form of contracts grants cooperative agreements or other transactions depending on the nature of the work proposed Individual awards will not normally exceed six 6 months in duration with dollar amounts normally ranging between 50K to 250K Total funding for exploratory development and demonstration under this PRDA is anticipated at 12M over four 4 fiscal years Offerors are encouraged to submit one or more white papers that address exploratory development with demonstrable results THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ONLY SOLICITATION DO NOT SUBMIT A FORMAL PROPOSAL AT THIS TIME Offerors are required to submit 5 copies of a 15 page or less white paper with a cover letter All responses to this announcement must be addressed to ATTN James R Milligan Reference PRDA0009IFKPA AFRLIFTD 525 Brooks Road Rome NY 134414505 The white paper will be formatted as follows Section A Title Period of Performance Cost Name of Company White paper type Section B Effort objective and Section C Technical Summary Offerors must mark their white papersproposals with the restrictive language stated in FAR 15609 Also Small Businesses only should send one 1 copy of the cover letter only 1st Class Mail Unclassified Only to ATTN Ms Janis Norelli Director of Small Business AFRLIFB 26 Electronic Parkway Rome NY 134414514 Multiple white papers within the purview of this announcement may be submitted by each offeror The purpose of the white paper is to preclude unwarranted effort on the part of an offeror whose proposed work is not of interest to the Government Those white papers found to be consistent with the intent of the PRDA may be invited to submit a technical and cost proposal Such invitation does not assure that the submitting organization will be awarded a contract Complete instructions for proposal preparation will be forwarded with the invitation for proposal submission Evaluation of proposals and white papers will be performed using the following criteria which are listed in descending order of relative importance 1 Overall scientific and technical merit including the approach for the development andor enhancement of the proposed technology and its evaluation 2 Related Experience the extent to which the offeror demonstrates technology and domain knowledge 3 The extent to which existing capabilities and standards are leveraged and the relative maturity of the proposed technology in terms of reliability and robustness and 4 Reasonableness and realism of proposed costs and fees if any Options are discouraged and unpriced options will not be considered for award The cost of preparing proposals in response to this announcement is not considered an allowable direct charge to any resulting contract or any other contract It is however an allowable expense to the normal bid and proposal indirect cost specified in FAR 3120518 Foreignowned offerors are advised that their participation is excluded at the prime contract level Data subject to export control constraints may be involved and only firms on the Certified Contractor Access List CCAL will be allowed access to such data For further information on CCAL contact the Defense Logistics Service Center at 18003523572 The work to be performed may require a SECRETNOFORN facility clearance and safeguarding capability therefore personnel identified for assignment to a classified effort must be cleared for access to SECRETNOFORN information at the time of award The cutoff date for submission of white papers is 18 Oct 00 for FY01 15 Oct 01 for FY02 15 Oct 02 for FY03 and 15 Oct 03 for FY04 This PRDA is open and effective until cancelled An Ombudsman has been appointed to hear significant concerns from offerors or potential offerors for this announcement Routine questions are not considered to be significant concerns and should be communicated directly to the Contracting Officer Joetta A Bernhard 315 3302308 The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to diminish the authority of the Contracting Officer or Program Manager but to communicate contractor concerns issues disagreement and recommendations to the appropriate Government personnel The Ombudsman for this acquisition is Ralph M Lentz Lt Col Chief AFRLIFK at 315 3307746 When requested the Ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern The Ombudsman should only be contacted with issues or problems that have been previously brought to the attention of the contracting officer and could not be satisfactorily resolved at that level To receive a copy of the AFRLIFK BAA PRDA A Guide for Industry Sep 1996 Rev write ATTN Carol Furgol AFRLIFK 26 Electronics Parkway Rome NY 134414515 or fax her at FAX 3153304728 or the guide may be accessed at httpwwwifafrlafmildivIFKbpguidehtml All responsible firms may submit a white paper which shall be considered Respondents are asked to provide their Commercial and Government Entity CAGE number with their submission as well as a fax number and an email address and reference PRDA0009IFKPA Only Contracting Officers are legally authorized to commit the Government

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA8750 AFRL RIK
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2000-09-14 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 75f547b7a9fa343943a26d2a13dd4331

No Description Provided

  • Notice Type Solicitation
  • Published Date 2000-09-14 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 7c58d943a1b2d04adef82610954d27d0

Provide Satellite Television Services at Moody AFB GA The solicitation number for this procurement is F0960700R0033 and is issued as a Request for Proposal RFP The contractor shall provide all personnel equipment tools materials supervision and other items and services to provide satellite television service to Moody AFB dormitory residents The Satellite Services shall minimize the number of satellite dishes required to provide coverage to dormitory areas by using best available technology Individual subscribers shall be allowed to subscribe to various programming packages and be billed individually There are currently two main dormitory areas spanning a distance of approximately 3000 feet There are 9 dormitories with an approximate 550 potential subscribers A 10th dormitory with approximately 150 potential subscribers will be added in the near future Allowance for expansion must be made for the new dormitory area The contractor shall be responsible for service and repairs to installed system for the life of the contract Site visit information will be included in the solicitation This solicitation will be set aside 100 for small business The North American Industry Classification NAIC for this solicitation is 513220 the small business size standard is 1100000000 The contract will be for a basic period of one 1 year with up to four 4 one year options the total contract will not exceed five 5 years There will be no exclusive rights or right of entry agreements The solicitation will be issued on or about 17 Nov 00 The solicitation will be located on the Electronic Posting System EPS No paper copies of this solicitation will be mailed All amendments will be electronically posted A copy of the solicitation will be available for review at the Contracting Office Moody AFB GA This acquisition shall be solicited in accordance with FAR Part 12 Acquisition of Commercial Items The point of contact is SSgt Brian Mentel 229 2572959 The Contracting Officer is Mr KD Dawsey 229 2573465

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA4830 23 CONS CC
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2000-09-14 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 2e8b667c72a488ab0096c19c4369e859

Reason for modification Change closing date of soliciation from 02 Oct 2000 to 28 Sep 2000 300 PM MST

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA7000 10 CONS LGC
  • Notice Type Modification/Amendment/Cancel
  • Published Date 2000-09-14 14:00:00+09
Notice ID cb647055020cb4bd5cadb6806530a2e9

Fitness Instruction Beale AFB CA SIC code 8734This is a combined synopsis solicitation for a commercial item prepared in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation FAR Subpart 126 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice This announcement constitutes the only solicitation a written solicitation will not be issued Acquisition is reserved exclusively for small business concerns Solicitation F04666 01QV011 is issued as a Request for Quote using Simplified Acquisition Procedures Scope of work ranges between 2500000 and 5000000 Notice to Offerors Funds are not presently available for this project No award will be made under this solicitation until funds are available The government reserves the right to cancel this solicitation without making award or obligation Job Description Provide instructors to instruct daily aerobic spinning and aqua classes at Beale AFB CA Point of Contact is Tsgt Lawson at phone 5306343305 or email ElizabethLawsonbealeafmil The following FAR provisions and clauses are applicable to the procurement and are hereby incorporated by reference 522121 Instructions to OfferorsCommercial Items 522122 Evaluation Commercial Items 522123 Offerors Representations and CertificationsCommercial Items 522124 Contract Terms and Conditions Commercial Items 522125 Contract Terms and Conditions required to Implement Statues or Executive OrdersCommercial Items 5222241 Service Contract Act of 1965 as amended 5222226 Equal Opportunity 5222236 Affirmative Action for Handicapped Workers Additional Contract Terms and Conditions applicable to this procurement are DFAR 2522047004 Required Central Contractors Registration 2522327009 Electronic Funds Transfer CCR Note Any prospective contractor must be registered in the Central Contractor RegistrationCCR to be eligible for award Registration requires applicants to have a DUNS number Registration may take up to 3 weeks Phone Dun Bradstreet 18003330505 for DUNs number Phone Central Contractors Registration 18886253272 for CCR application May also access CCR at httpccredidisamil

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA4686 9 CONS PKP
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2000-09-14 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 7cd926b2b3d23e699a0ebc1421170cb7

Purchase and Installation of Blast Mitigation Film and Anchoring System SIC code 1799This is a combined synopsis solicitation for a commercial item prepared in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation FAR Subpart 126 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice This announcement constitutes the only solicitation a written solicitation will not be issued Acquisition is automatically reserved exclusively for small business concerns Solicitation F04666 00T0285 is issued as a Request for Quote using Simplified Acquisition Procedures Job Description Purchase and Install 3M Scotchshield UltraSafety Security and Solar Laminate with the UltraFlex Anchoring System or equal Site Visit will be held at Beale AFB 18 September 2000 at noon Please contact Tsgt Lawson at phone 5306343305 or email ElizabethLawsonbealeafmil for more information The following FAR provisions and clauses are applicable to the procurement and are hereby incorporated by reference 522121 Instructions to OfferorsCommercial Items 522122 Evaluation Commercial Items 522123 Offerors Representations and CertificationsCommercial Items 522124 Contract Terms and Conditions Commercial Items 522125 Contract Terms and Conditions required to Implement Statues or Executive OrdersCommercial Items 5222241 Service Contract Act of 1965 as amended 5222226 Equal Opportunity 5222236 Affirmative Action for Handicapped Workers Additional Contract Terms and Conditions applicable to this procurement are DFAR 2522047004 Required Central Contractors Registration 2522327009 Electronic Funds Transfer CCR Note Any prospective contractor must be registered in the Central Contractor RegistrationCCR to be eligible for award Registration requires applicants to have a DUNS number Registration may take up to 3 weeks Phone Dun Bradstreet 18003330505 for DUNs number Phone Central Contractors Registration 18886253272 for CCR application May also access CCR at httpccredidisamil

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA4686 9 CONS PKP
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2000-09-14 14:00:00+09
Notice ID cde040ab0b44212bc3f714e4833e732f

Luke AFB AZ intends to award on a sole source basis through Opticomm Corp San Diego CA the following 6 each fiber optic modem PN MMV120CXMTSL1STIC 6 each fiber optic modem PN MMV120CRCVSL1STIC and 4 each card racks with dual power supply PN DTCR7RPS No solicitation document is available A request for documentation will not be considered an affirmative response If no affirmative written response is received by close of business 20 Sep 00 to the effect that comparable products are available and that they are more advantageous to the Government than obtaining this package through sole source contract a sole source award will be made Telephonic inquiries will not be accepted

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA4887 56 CONS CC
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2000-09-15 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 0a8e9425c95fcbaf2bc65b0dc0d43bf8

Contact Allen R Bassett at 5306343406 email allenbassettbealeafmil or Gary S Metcalf at 5306343370 email garymetcalfbealeafmil The Government intends to award a contract for Paramedic Services SIC 8049 at Beale AFB Yuba County California Services shall be required 24hours per day 7days per week 365 days per year Services to be provided include labor of Certified Paramedics only All vehicles materials supplies and assisting personnel shall be provided by the 9th Medical Group at Beale AFB Yuba County California Offerors shall provide verifiable evidence of individuals Licenses Certifications and any other Registrations necessary to document compliance with the requirements to practice as a Certified Paramedic in the State of California The contract period shall be for one Base Year with two 2 oneyear options This contract shall be awarded under Expedited Procedures IAW FAR Part 12 Commercial Requirements and FAR Part 135 Test Program for Certain Commercial Items The following FAR provisions and clauses are applicable to the procurement and are hereby incorporated by reference 522121 Instructions to OfferorsCommercial Items 522122 Evaluation Commercial Items 522123 Offerors Representations and CertificationsCommercial Items 522124 Contract Terms and Conditions Commercial Items 522125 Contract Terms and Conditions required to Implement Statutes or Executive OrdersCommercial Items Additional Contract Terms and Conditions applicable to this procurement are DFAR 2522127000 Offeror Representations and Certification 2522127001 Contract Terms and Conditions required to Implement Statues or Executive Order Applicable to Defense Acquisitions of Commercial Items 2522047004 Required Central Contractors Registration 2522327009 Electronic Funds Transfer CCR Note Any prospective contractor must be registered in the Central Contractor Registration CCR to be eligible for award Registration requires applicants to have a DUNS number Registration may take up to 3 weeks Phone Dun Bradstreet 18003330505 for DUNS number Phone Central Contractors Registration 18886253272 for CCR application May also access CCR at httpccredidisamil This contract will be awarded on 25 September 2000 Successful offeror shall be capable of mobilization and commencement of work performance NLT 29 September 2000

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA4686 9 CONS PKP
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2000-09-18 14:00:00+09