Notice ID
s service line at the collection system The system may include but is not limited to pipelines lift stations manholes septic tanks and a wastewater treatment plant The following description and inventory is included to provide the Offeror with a general understanding of the size and configuration of the system The Offeror shall base the proposal on site inspections information in the bidders library other pertinent information and the following description Under no circumstances shall the successful Contractor be entitled to any rate adjustment based on the accuracy of the following description and inventory The US Army Fort Knox wastewater collection system consists of sewer mains and service connections for disposal The sewer mains direct sewage from both the base and the City of Muldraugh Kentucky to a wastewater treatment plant located on the base The collection system on the base consists of 521400 feet of sewer mains ranging in size from 2 to 36 with 8 being the most common size There are also 1745 manholes within the base collection system The collection system is broken up into four individual classifications that are identified with the letters C H M and W followed by two numbers eg C10 Letter C is an abbreviation for Capart Housing letter H is an abbreviation for other Housing M is an abbreviation for Military and W is an abbreviation for Wherry Housing The two numbers followed by two zeros represent block numbers eg 1000 Block The age of the wastewater collection system ranges from 70 years old to 1yearold and can be divided into three major age groups 1940 19501989 19902000 with the majority of the collection system being constructed and 17 SWD with three 150 hp Blowers and Coarse Bubble Air Diffusion Two Belt Presses 2 m width each Nonpotable water system capable of supplying between 580 gpm and 1160 gpm This wastewater treatment plant handles flows from both the Base and the City of Muldraugh Between April 1999 and March 2000 the wastewater treatment plant received an average influent flow of 33 MGD and a maximum daily influent flow of 138 MGD In addition plant personnel indicated that during wet weather the influent flow into the treatment plant could be as high as 20 MGD Two septic tank systems are used on the Base One is located north of the City of Muldraugh in the Armor Board Area and the other is located in the Ammo Storage Area The US Army Fort Knox currently has a pretreatment program for their wastewater treatment plant Activities associated with the pretreatment program include but are not limited to facility monitoring and source identification of prohibited pollutants Facility monitoring includes facility semiannual formal and informal inspections wastewater samplinganalysis and wastewater flow measurement Samplinganalysis includes quarterly scheduled samplinganalysis events for each facility and unscheduled random samplinganalysis events as required A total of 25 onbase facilities and the City of Muldraugh are being monitored as part of the pretreatment program Fort Knox has a total area of about 170 square miles of service area There is one offinstallation site one mile north of the US Army base which is the City of Muldraugh with a population of 1376 The requirement for sewage services is part of and associated with this scope