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Contract Opportunity result Lists

Showing 4151 - 4160 of 7209467 results
Notice ID 0122aa3ec959ea476ac1e0ede20fa405

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09
Z -- Baltimore, MD - Shiplift Dredging at USCG Yard Baltimore
Notice ID b8bb81bf5b1a4aa57a493f97e12b756a

Provide all labor materials equipment transportation and supervision required to dredge beneath the Shiplift platform at USCG Yard Baltimore MD Dredge material shall be removed and disposed of at the HartMiller Island Placement Facility in accordance with the HartMiller Island Diked Placement Area Rules and Regulations Low clearance approximately 45 feet at high tide exists between the bottom of the Shiplift platforms transverse beams and the water surface The total estimated amount of material to be removed from within the project limits is 500 cubic yards The NAICS is 234930 SIC Code 1629 size standard 17M This procurement is open to both large and small businesses in accordance with the Small Business Competitiveness Demonstration Act The estimated range is between 25K 100K The performance period is 60 DANTP Work at the site shall be completed within seven calendar days The quotes will be due oa 30 calendar days from this posting or oa 111601 A Bid Bond is NOT required NO TELEPHONE REQUESTS All relevant solicitation documents including specifications and drawings shall be available for download exclusively from the Internet oa 101601 by accessing the US Coast Guard Civil Engineering Unit Cleveland website at httpwwwepsgov ATTN Minority Womenowned and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises DBEs The Department of Transportation DOT offers working capital financing and bonding assistance for transportation related contracts DOTs Bonding Assistance Program BAP offers bid performance and payment bonds on contracts up to 1M DOTs ShortTerm Lending Program STLP offers lines of credit to finance accounts receivable Maximum line of credit is 500000 with interest at the prime rate For further information call 800 5321169 Internet address httposdbuwebdotgov This action is a Request for Quotes therefore no information will be provided until the award is made

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09
16 -- 16-Aircraft components & accessories
Notice ID 1ca29142db04d094205379aa9c3c6cca

Numerous aircraft componentspare parts of various part numbers and quantities for the U S Coast Guard HH65 aircraft Indefinite deliveryIndefinite quantity commercial contract contemplated for a base year and four option years Delivery to the USCG Aircraft Repair and Supply Center Elizabeth City NC 279095001 desired within 280 days after receipt of order and required within 365 days after receipt of order Drawings and data are not available from the Coast Guard and will not be furnished as part of the solicitation All responsible sources may submit a proposal which shall be considered by the agency The Government intends to use FAR Part 12 for the acquisition All responsible sources must request a copy of the solicitation in writing no later than 29 October 2001 Telephone requests will not be accepted Only written and telefax requests will be honored The telefax number is 252 3345240 Minority Womenowned and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises DBEs The Department of Transportation DOT ShortTerm Lending Program STLP offers working capital financing in the form of lines of credit to finance accounts receivable for transportation related contracts Maximum line of credit is 500000 with interest at the prime rate For further information call 800 5321169 Internet address httposdbuwebdotgov

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 021ee79c0c4bd259d7dcb554e9aeb4e4

Description in English SpanishOn behalf of the InterAmerican Foundation IAF an independent agency of the United States Government the Bureau of the Public Debt is seeking an Peruvian nongovernment organization or an Peruvian private consultant with relevant technical and management experience to provide local advisory services which include the following tasks 1 ensure that approximately ten proponents per year submit fully developed proposals for review with the IAF 2 inform the grantees about IAF procedures related to disbursements and reporting requirements 3 provide the grantees with appropriate technical assistance on an asneeded basis to enable them to effectively carry out their grassroots development programs 4 ensure that grantees are informed and engaged regarding current development issues and strategies with the country and as appropriate within the region 5 ensure that the Peruvian National Grassroots Organization NGO community has access to information about the IAF its funding priorities guidelines for proposal preparation and process for grant approval and 6 maintain adequate records and appropriate office space and infrastructure The contract will be for a oneyear period with four option periods The Government will consider proposals from all responsible sources Interested offerors may register at httpwwwfedbizoppsgov to receive notification when the solicitation and any amendments are issued and available for downloading Please note that the General Services Administration provides the notification service as a convenience and does not guarantee that notifications will be received by all persons on the mailing list Therefore we recommend that you monitor the FedBizOpps site for all information relevant to desired acquisitions If the Internet option is not available to you you may receive a hard copy of the solicitation and any amendments via US Mail by faxing your request to 304 4807203 or emailing your request to procurementbpdtreasgov Descripcin en y espaolEn nombre de la Fundacin Interamericana la Fundacin entidad independiente del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos la Dependencia de la Deuda Pblica busca una organizacin no gubernamental peruviana o a un consultor particular ecuatoriano con experiencia tcnica y gerencial pertinente para proporcionar servicios locales de consultora que incluyen las tareas siguientes 1 asegurar que unos diez proponentes por ao presenten propuestas plenamente desarrolladas para examinarlas con la Fundacin 2 informar a los donatarios acerca de los procedimientos de la Fundacin relacionados con los desembolsos y los requisitos de presentacin de informes 3 proporcionar a los donatarios la asistencia tcnica apropiada segn se necesite para permitirles llevar a cabo con eficiencia sus programas de desarrollo de base 4 asegurar que los donatarios son informados y participan en las cuestiones y estrategias actuales de desarrollo en el pas y segn proceda en la regin 5 asegurar que la comunidad de Organizaciones de Base ONG nacionales de Peru tiene acceso a informacin sobre la Fundacin sus prioridades de financiamiento los lineamientos para preparacin de las propuestas y el proceso para aprobacin de las donaciones y 6 mantener registros y espacio e infraestructura de oficina adecuados El contrato abarcar un perodo de un ao con cuatro perodos optativos El Gobierno considerar las propuestas procedentes de todas las fuentes responsables Los ofertantes interesados pueden inscribirse en httpwwwfedbizoppsgov para recibir notificacin cuando se emitan la solicitud de ofertas y cualesquiera enmiendas y estn disponibles para descargarlas Srvanse tomar nota de que la Administracin de Servicios Generales proporciona el servicio de notificacin para comodidad de los interesados y no garantiza que las notificaciones sern recibidas por todas las personas que figuran en la lista de envo por correo Por consiguiente recomendamos que vigilen el sitio FedBizOpps de la Red con respecto a toda la informacin pertinente para las adquisiciones deseadas Si no disponen de la opcin de Internet podrn recibir una copia en papel de la solicitud de ofertas y de cualquier enmienda por correo de los Estados Unidos si nos enva por fax su peticin al 304 4807203 o nos dirige su peticin por correo electrnico a la direccin procurementbpdtreasgov

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 10b25fa1184cb45a31702a2ec4dc02c9

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE ARMY
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09
Z--Design-Build Building 350 Conversion, JTRC & Ft Polk Headquarters, FORT POLK, LA
Notice ID 2cf936facf43212a70e4157d778bde17

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE ARMY
  • Office W076 ENDIST FT WORTH
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09
Y--Fire Station and Transportation Motor Pool, Fort Hood, Texas
Notice ID 6c053c457eff47ea512ef1c4cf8b1cd5

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE ARMY
  • Office W076 ENDIST FT WORTH
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 495c3f5bd55268dde85a5af7e3ff1960

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE ARMY
  • Office W6QK ACC-RSA
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09
Y -- Construction of Boat Docking Facility at Key West, Fl-National Ocean Service (NOS) Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Notice ID 6b38adadaa2a3033016ffc9dbac2e685

The contractor shall furnish all labor material equipment and each and every item of expense for the construction of the Boat Docking Facility at the NOS Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Truman Annex Key West Florida The construction generally includes but is not limited to the following 1 Pier timberwork with stringers framing bracing and decking 2 Steel pipe piles including thirteen 20 diameter piles and eleven 12 diameter piles 3 Greenheart timber piles and bracing and 4 24inch cleats Completion time for this project is 120 days This is a total small business setaside Solicitation number 51WCNA206010SLW NAICS code 233320 applies Estimated construction cost is from 150000 to 400000 This action is subject to the availability of FY 2002 funds Specifications and bid documents will be available on or about November 9 2001 All responsible sources may submit a bid which shall be considered by the agency Copies of bid documents are limited and will be issued on a firstcome first served basis One set of bid documents per requestor All requests for bid documents must be in writing Requests may be faxed to 816 4267530 Attn Sharon Walker

  • Department/Ind.Agency COMMERCE, DEPARTMENT OF
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09
Y -- Construction of the NIH Building 103 Project
Notice ID 15bfeb9cbcf96b40a0130a705db63f68

The Building 103 project consists of construction of site utilities and improvements an East Wing addition quarantine facility a Habitat Addition office addition and renovation to the existing building The East Wing addition consists of 14200 sf of ground floor space and 12600 sf of mechanical space on the 2nd floor The Habitat addition consists of 7400 sf of ground floor space and 1800 sf of mechanical space on the second floor The office addition consists of 1600 sf of office space bathrooms and locker room space The renovations are spread throughout the existing 27000 sf existing building The work includes but is not limited to asbestos abatement sitework paved surface parking areas landscaping site utilities excavation foundations concrete miscellaneous and structural steel masonry singleply EPDM roofing curtain wall skylights finish hardware coiling doors guillotine doors aluminum entrances and storefronts FRP ceiling system epoxy wall and floor systems casework BAS systems HVAC systems plumbing systems fire protection and alarm systems and electrical systems The estimated cost of this project is greater than ten million The project consists of three phases of base work and six construction options The total period of performance is 767 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed comprised as follows Phase I 546 calendar days Phase II 60 calendar days Phase III 161 calendar days A 14calendarday period will be required for owner movein between phases Overall the period of performance with allowances for movein shall not exceed 795 days There are also six construction options Options 2 if exercised will add 105 calendar days to the period of performance and Option 6 if exercised will add 52 days If both Options 2 and 6 are exercised the period of performance will be 952 calendar days Options 1 3 4 and 5 if exercised would not add time to the period of performance Award is anticipated no later than March 1 2002 The solicitation will be available onabout October 15 2001 and is open to all qualified contractors This Request for Proposals is a negotiated bestvalue solicitation All responsive proposals that meet ALL the mandatory minimum qualifications will be subjectively evaluated in accordance with the stated criteria for technicalmanagement past performance and cost Offerors which do not demonstrate that they meet all the minimum mandatory requirements will be ineligible for award and proposals submitted by these offerors will not be further evaluated Due to space limitations the detailed evaluation criteria cannot be printed See Section M of the solicitation document at wwwfedbizoppsgov for the complete evaluation criteria The major categories of criteria technical past performance and cost are listed in equal or descending order of importance Evaluations are primarily subjective and include the following criteria Minimum mandatory requirements This will be a go nogo evaluation General contractor must demonstrate timespecific experience on similar projects specifics required Key personnel must demonstrate timespecific experience on similar projects specifics required TechnicalManagement Plan Criteria Proposed Team structure Experience and Corporate Resources including commitment letters from primary subcontractors Demonstrated timespecific experience on similar projects specifics required for general contractor and primary subcontractors Staffing Plan and Relevant Experience Key personnel for the general contractor and primary subcontractors to include resumes and timespecific experience on similar projects Work PlanQuality Control A mini CPM schedule will be required as well as management control systems used by contractors and roles and responsibilities of onsite team Past Performance as relates to cost schedule workmanship administration reasonable and cooperative behavior and commitment to customers Cost Based on cost realism for work to be performed reflect clear understanding of work requirement and are consistent with technical proposal Oral presentations are a part of technical evaluation process All evaluation factors other than cost or price when combined are significantly more important than cost or price The solicitation and all attachments except the plans and specifications will be available on or about October 15 2001 on the FedBizOpps website at httpwwwfedbizoppsgov Prospective offerors are responsible for downloading the solicitation attachments and amendments It is the offerors responsibility to monitor the FedBizOpps website for the release of the solicitation and amendments Hard copies will be provided to individuals eligible under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act upon request Although the solicitation is available on the internet the plans and specifications can only be acquired by written request referencing the solicitation number and including a contact person company name and address telephone and fax numbers and including the appropriate payment to the Food and Drug Administration Division of Construction and Facilities Support Contracting 5630 Fishers Lane Room 2057 Rockville MD 20857 The plans and specifications are available at a nonrefundable cost of 18000 per set and only company checks or money orders will be accepted and they shall be made payable to the National Institutes of Health The availability of plans and specifications is limited and will be furnished until the supply is exhausted on a first received first served basis The complete solicitation package is available for review only at the following locations Food and Drug Administration Room 2057 5630 Fishers Lane Rockville MD Contact Pat Calhoun 301 8271022 Hours 700 AM 330 PM MF

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-10-11 14:00:00+09