Notice ID
As required by FAR 5203 this is formal notice that the US Department of Energy DOE Richland Operations Office intends to release Request for Proposal RFP No DERP0602RL14300 to perform environmental remediation of the River Corridor on the Hanford Site on February 14 2002 The projected proposal due date is April 26 2002 The resultant contract will implement the first section of the Hanford 2012 Plan available on the Hanford website The River Corridor is generally comprised of the Hanford Site area south and west of the Columbia River exclusive of a 75square mile central region known as the central plateau The solicitation will be issued under full and open competition The solicitation will be available electronically on DOEs Industry Interactive Procurement System IIPS which is accessible through the RCC Project website at httpwwwhanfordgovprocuresolicitrcc This website will be the sole distribution medium for the solicitation and will be used to provide all pertinent acquisition information including the solicitation any amendments or clarifications questions and answers and other related information No paper or electronic copies of this solicitation will be distributed by DOE Send questions or comments to US Department of Energy Richland Operations Office Attention George F Champlain Contracting Officer 825 Jadwin Avenue PO Box 550 Mail Stop A780 Richland WA 99352 Email GeorgeFChamplainrlgov