Notice ID
The purpose of this announcement is to obtain proposals relating to the attached Screening Information Request SIR for functional performance design and support requirements for a Direct Current DC BUS System DC BUS The system is being procured for National Airspace System NAS facilities designated as Remote TransmitterReceiver RTR Remote Communications AirGround RCAG Remote Communications Outlets RCO Backup Emergency Communications BUEC Level 1 and Level 2 Air Traffic Control Towers ATCT and any other locations as specified by the FAA CONTRACT EXPERTISE REQUIREDOfferors shall propose DC BUS Systems to replace existing DC Systems and small 10kVa or less Engine Generator EG Systems The DC BUS System shall provide continuous power to the loads for a minimum of 4 hours immediately upon loss of commercial power and shall consist of the following items 1 A 24V or 48V DC BUS System 2 Repair parts support 3 Technical instruction manuals 4 Field technical engineering services as required 5 DC BUS System Maintenance Training 6 Training support services OBJECTIVE OF THIS REQUEST FOR OFFER This SIR defines equipment specifications and the tasks required for program management configuration management technical reviews and audits test and evaluation implementation logistics support and training for DC BUS Systems acquired by this contract This is a twostep procurement The proposal package for the first step Phase 1 shall consist of a technical proposal and system reliability information For those Offerors selected to continue after Phase 1 the proposal package for the second step Phase 2 shall consist of an Operational Capability Demonstration and Test OCDT and a price proposal INSTRUCTIONS Any firm interested in competing for this requirement may respond by submitting a proposal in accordance with the attached Section L This Request for Offer is for the technical proposal and system reliability information only Section B Supplies Or Services And PriceCosts is provided for information only and is not to be completed by offerors at this time All submissions will be properly secured and protected by the FAA Please be advised that all submissions become property of the Government Proposals shall be mailed handcarried delivered by courier or transmitted by overnight delivery to the Contracting Officer NO LATER THAN 300 pm Eastern Standard Time EST on December 31 2001 at the following location Federal Aviation Administration ATTN Sarah Scott ASU310 Contracting Officer Room 408 FOB10A 800 Independence Avenue SW Washington DC 20591The FAA will not pay for any information or costs incurred that are associated with any pro posal received from industry in response to this solicitation Therefore any costs associated with submissions will be solely at the interested partys expense FOLLOWUP The FAA intends to respond to written industry questions and comments during the solicitation period but this will not act to delay the date for proposal submission Should you have any questions concerning this SIRRFO announcement please contact Ms Sarah Scott Contracting Officer at 2024934397 or by email SarahScottfaagov ASSISTANCE TO MINORITY WOMENOWNED AND DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISES This Notice is for informational purposes for Minority WomenOwned and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises The Department of Transportation DOT Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization has a program to assist small businesses small businesses owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged individuals and womenowned concerns to acquire shortterm working capital assistance for transportationrelated contracts Loans are available under the DOT Short Term Lending Program STLP at prime interest rates to provide accounts receivable financing The maximum line of credit is 500000 For further information and applicable forms concerning the STLP call the OSDBU at 800 5321169