Notice ID
THIS SOLICITATION IS BEING ADVERTISED ON AN UNRESTRICTED BASIS INVITING FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION The designbuild project consists of the design and revitalization of up to 118 three and four bedroom enlisted and officer Capehart stylehousing units located in the Pinecrest and Juniper Ridge neighborhoods at NAS Meridian MS Unit types C1 C2 E1 E2 D1 and D2 are duplex buildings Unit types H1 J1 and K1 are singlefamily buildings Work will require exterior and interior renovations demolition and removal of existing materials including leadbased paint asbestos containing materials and other materials containing environmental hazards Units shall be gutted down to the wood framing materials throughout unit interior and storage rooms Improvements shall include complete renovation of baths and kitchens Improvements shall include but not limited to replacement of windows interior and exterior doors floors ceilings electrical system HVAC system and plumbing system Work shall include cutting of floor slabs for replacement of plumbing systems and replacement of termite damaged wood Six of the units shall be renovated to be adaptable to accommodate physically challenged occupants Renovation of one prototype D1 or D2 will be required prior to beginning construction on D1 D2 H1 J1 and K1 units Renovation of units C1 C2 E1 and E2 may began after completion of the design The contractor will be given 12 units at a time for renovation As each unit is accepted by the government an additional unit will be made available to the contractor Units C1 C2 E1 E2 D1 D2 will be given to the contractor on a duplex building basis and accepted on a duplex basis The estimated cost for design and construction of the project is between 5000000 and 10000000 Price proposals will include total evaluated price such as base proposal options and evaluation of scopedesign options within the Governments published budget for award Proposals will be evaluated using twophase source selection procedures that will result in award of a firmfixed price designbuild contract to the responsible proposer whose proposal conforming to the solicitation is the best value to the Government price and technical factors considered Phase I of the procurement process is a narrowing phase to approximately five 5 offerors designbuild firms or teams based on designbuild factors that include Past Performance Small Business Subcontracting Effort Technical Qualifications and Management Approach Only those offerors selected in Phase I will be allowed to proceed into Phase II In Phase II the competitive field will be required to submit technical and price proposals for the project Price proposals will include total evaluated price such as base proposal options and evaluation of scopedesign options within the Governments published budget for award The Government reserves the right to reject any or all proposals at any time prior to award negotiate with any or all offerors award the contract to other than the offeror submitting the lowest total price award to other than the offeror submitting the highest technically rated and award to the offeror submitting the proposal determined by the Government to be the most advantageous best value to the Government PROPOSERS ARE ADVISED THAT THE GOVERNMENT INTENDS TO EVUALUATE PROPOSALS AND SELECT PHASE II OFFERORS WITHOUT DISCUSSIONS OR ANY CONTACT CONCERNING THE PROPOSALS RECEIVED Therefore proposals should be submitted initially on the most FAVORABLE terms Proposers should not assume that they will be contacted or afforded an opportunity to qualify discuss or revise their proposals FIRMS SUBMITTING TECHNICAL AND PRICE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE COMPENSATED FOR SPECIFICATIONS OR DOCUMENTATION The Government intends to issue the Phase I Request for Proposals RFP electronically by posting it on the NAVFAC website httpesolnavfacnavymil on or about 14 November 2001 Phase I proposals will be due around 17 December 2001 The exact date will be stipulated in the RFP Offerors must register themselves on the Internet at httpesolnavfacnavymil The Phase II RFP including the plans and specs will be posted at a later date on the NAVFAC web site for viewing and downloading although the download time may be excessive Copies of a compact disk CD ROM of the Phase II plans and specifications may be purchased from the Defense Automated Printing Service DAPS in Charleston SC The point of contact at DAPS is Paula Brooks 843 7434040 The official plan holders list will be maintained on and may be printed from the web site Amendments will be posted on the web site for downloading This will be the only method of distributing amendments therefore IT IS THE OFFERORS RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK THE WEB SITE PERIODICALLY FOR ANY AMENDMENTS TO THIS SOLICITATION For inquiries about the date of receipt of proposals or the number of amendments contact Susan Clark at 843 8205775 Technical inquiries prior to Request for Proposals must be submitted in writing 15 days before proposals are due to the address listed above faxed to 843 8205853 Attn John Jeffries ACQ 12JJ or emailed to jeffriesjaefdsouthnavfacnavymil Results of proposals will not be available The NAICS Code is 23321 Single Family Housing Construction The Small Business Size Standard is 2750000000