Notice ID
This is an update to this notice The solicitatio was issued on 7 Nov 01 The closing date for the solicitation is 7 Dec 01 Documents uploaded to this announcement include the final RFP and all attachments Please contact Ms Lynna Craven at 3349537212 or email at lynnacravenmaxwellafmil if you have any questions The government contemplates issuing a Labor Hour Award term contract consisting of a 1 year basic period 4 oneyear option and 5 oneyear award terms The solicitation should be available on or about 1 Sep 01 The solicitation will be issued under FAR Part 15 Contracting by Negotiation and will be evaluated and conducted using Median Source Selection procedures The acquisition is unrestricted No telephone requests will be accepted and all requests must be in writing Email requests may be sent to lynnacravenmaxwellafmil The following is a brief descripti8on of the requirement The contractor is to provide services needed to assist SAFFMBMAS in the daytoday operations for programbudget development and execution at MaxwellGunter for the Pentagon and development and maintenance of the Financial Information Resource SysTem FIRST and other legacy budget systems training functional users of all budget systems Work locations will include the Pentagon SAFFMB SAF Budget Information Systems SAFFMBMAS located in Montgomery Alabama and the ESC Financial Software Project Office ESCFNB with locations in Dayton Ohio and Montgomery Alabama Air Force budget systems are being modernized through the FIRST program with incremental spirals Each sprial will include providing status to management and objectives to conform to requirements development functional training and overall project control support Support activities will include program management support cost estimating configuration management support project scheduling financial managementbudget analysis requirements definition customer acceptance testing user training data management LAN operations and other tasks as outlined by the SOW Functional training will also be provided for legacy systems until the FIRST replaces their functionality Also requires that the contractor perform all the activities and functions necessary for successful development facilitation and implementation of all specified deliverables per tasks assigned during any technical interchange meetings TIMs
FA3300 42 CONS CC