Notice ID
SIR NUMBER DTFA1402R34196 DUE TO CHANGES IN THE SIZE SCOPE AND TIMEFRAME OF THE MODERNIZATION OF THE ATCT AND BASE BUILDING THE ADVERTISEMENT SHOWN BELOW WHICH WAS INITIALLY POSTED ON NOVEMBER 30 2001 IS HEREBY CANCELLED THE MODIFIED REQUIREMENT WILL BE READVERTISED AT A LATER DATE MOST PROBABLY IN THE MARCHAPRIL 2002 TIMEFRAME IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT THE CONTRACTING OFFICER KATHY THOMAS AT 4144862960 The FAA intends to solicit proposals and award a contract to one general contractor for modernization of the Airport Traffic Control Tower and Administrative Base Building General Mitchell International Airport Milwaukee WI The contract will have a performance time of approximately seven months with an anticipated construction start date of April 2002 The estimated procurement is between 2M 4M The work will include 1 3484 sq ft addition to the base building single story steel frame concrete spread footing with slab on grade and computer floors concrete block exterior walls 2 Demolition and modernization of Administrative Base Building interior offices conference rooms TRACON electronic equipment room TELCO computer training rooms wellness room toilet rooms and storage spaces 3 Upgrade the existing Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning system Switch from an electric control system to a digital pneumatic system 4 Installation of electr ostatic resistant carpet and workstation countertops Replacement of cab console turrets cab mylar shades lighting fixtures and bookshelves 5 ATCT cab glass replacement OFFERS WILL BE SOLICITED FROM PREQUALIFIED CONTRACTORS ONLY Contractors seeking to become prequalified must complete a Screening Information Request SIR Factors to be evaluated include relevant experience performance history key personnel project control and financial capability The SIR will be issued on or about Jan 14 2002 Information obtained from the SIR will be utilized in determining the firms most qualified to perform on this project and receive a Request For Offer Send requests for the SIR via telefax to the FAA Great Lakes Region Acquisition Management Staff AGL55B Attn Kathy Thomas at 4144862921 Telephone requests will not be honored Requests must be received not later than Jan 14 2002 The following notice is for information purposes for minority womanowned and disadvantaged enterprises The DOT OSDBU has programs to assist minority womanowned and disadvantaged business enterprises to acquire shortterm working capital an d bonding assistance for DOT related contracts This is applicable to any eligible prime or subcontract at any tier The DOT Bonding Assistance Program enables firms to apply for bid performance and payment bonds up to 10 million per contract The DOT provides an 80 guaranty on the bond amount to surety against losses Loans are also available under the DOT Short Term Lending Program at prime interest rates to provide accounts receivable financing The maximum line of credit is 500000 For info and forms call the OSDBU at 8005321169