Notice ID
NOTE RESPONSE DATE HAS BEEN EXTENDED FROM DEC 21 2001 TO DEC 28 2001 The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences USUHS the Department of Defense Medical School and Health Sciences University Bethesda MD has a requirement for the rental of medical school and graduate program cap and gown units with hoods and guest speaker and honorary degree hoods and for the purchase of diplomas diploma covers program covers and invitations invitations not included in the base year period for the F Edward Hebert School of Medicine This will be a requirements contract for one 1 baseyear period and four 4 option years This notice is being used as a combined synopsissolicitation request for quotes for the following Contract Line Items CLINs specified in the following scheduleCLIN 0001 Graduation Paraphernalia Base Year 0001AA not used 0001AB Program Covers with USUHS Gold Seal MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0001AC Red white and blue tassels for program covers MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0001AD MD diplomas with multicolor USUHS seal MIN160 MAX 170 EA 0001AE Graduate degree diplomas with multicolor USUHS seal MIN 60 MAX 70 EA 0001AF Diploma covers black with gold USUHS seal MIN 225 MAX 250 EA 0001AG Cap and gown rental including tassel MIN225 MAX 250 EA 0001AH Academic hood rental MIN 225 MAX 250 EA 0001AI Honorary doctorate hood purchase MIN 2 MAX 4 EA 0001AJ Honorary doctorate diploma MIN 2 MAX 4 EA 0001AK Charge per diploma to print signatures MIN 230 MAX 254 EA 0001AL Setup fee for signature blocks on diplomas 2 EA CLIN 0002 Graduation Paraphernalia Option Year 1 0002AA Graduation invitations with inner and outer envelopes MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0002AB Program Covers with USUHS Gold Seal MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0002AC Red white and blue tassels for program covers MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0002AD MD diplomas with multicolor USUHS seal MIN160 MAX 170 EA 0002AE Graduate degree diplomas with multicolor USUHS seal MIN 60 MAX 70 EA 0002AF Diploma covers black with gold USUHS seal MIN 225 MAX 250 EA 0002AG Cap and gown rental including tassel MIN 225 MAX 250 EA 0002AH Academic hood rental MIN 225 MAX 250 EA 0002AI Honorary doctorate hood purchase MIN 2 MAX 4 EA 0002AJ Honorary doctorate diploma MIN 2 MAX 4 EA 0002AK Charge per diploma to print signatures MIN 230 MAX 254 EA 0002AL Setup fee for signature blocks on diplomas 2 EA CLIN 0003 Graduation Paraphernalia Option Year 2 0003AA Graduation invitations with inner and outer envelopes MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0003AB Program Covers with USUHS Gold Seal MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0003AC Red white and blue tassels for program covers MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0003AD MD diplomas with multicolor USUHS seal MIN160 MAX 170 EA 0003AE Graduate degree diplomas with multicolor USUHS seal MIN 60 MAX 70 EA 0003AF Diploma covers black with gold USUHS seal MIN 225 MAX 250 EA 0003AG Cap and gown rental including tassel MIN 225 MAX 250 EA 0003AH Academic hood rental MIN 225 MAX 250 EA 0003AI Honorary doctorate hood purchase MIN 2 MAX 4 EA 0003AJ Honorary doctorate diploma MIN 2 MAX 4 EA 0003AK Charge per diploma to print signatures MIN 230 MAX 254 EA 0003AL Setup fee for signature blocks on diplomas 2 EA CLIN 0004 Graduation Paraphernalia Option Year 3 0004AA Graduation invitations with inner and outer envelopes MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0004AB Program Covers with USUHS Gold Seal MIN 2500 MAX 3000 EA 0004AC Red white and blue tas