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Contract Opportunity result Lists

Showing 7206111 - 7206120 of 7209467 results
Arc Flash and Yearly Thermal Testing at U.S. Army Engineer District, Alaska Headquarters buildings, JBER-Elmendorf, Alaska 99506
Notice ID 012ea2b0bd54475398bdb87cf376a527

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE ARMY
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 05:56:43.577+09
Short Endurance - Small Unmanned Surface Vessels
Notice ID 6b7441c7beb642f49d5036bfaa4ed4b6

Request for Information RFI for Short Endurance Small Unmanned Surface Vessels CONTRACTING OFFICE ADDRESS Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division 110 Vernon Avenue Panama City Beach Florida 32407  ADDITIONAL GENERAL INFORMATION This is a Request for Information RFI as defined in FAR 15201e to obtain information about pricing delivery and other market information or capabilities for planning purposes  This RFI is not a request for competitive proposals therefore responses to this notice are not considered offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract  Companies that respond will not be paid for the information submitted The Government will be utilizing Government personnel only under this RFI  The role of these Government personnel is to function as reviewers  These personnel will have access to the information submitted in response to the RFI and will provide technical expertise andor advice as required  All personnel have NonDisclosure Agreements on file with the Government  NOTE  If late information is received after offers due date it may be considered by the Government Evaluation Team depending on agency time constraints   PSC 1940 NAICS 336612 1000 Employees GENERAL INTENT DESCRIPTION The Navy provides this RFI inviting industry to provide information on technologies related to short endurance unmanned surface vessels Industry responses to the RFI will be assessed and may assist in identifying potential future actions Note  There is no guarantee that any submitted topic will be funded and responders to this RFI will have no competitive advantage in receiving awards related to the submitted topic area  The information submitted in all responses may be utilized to help the Government further define its requirements  If the Government develops a project that addresses any submitted or similar topic the resulting procurement will address technology and business specific requirements as defined by the Government to achieve project objectives BACKGROUND The Government is seeking unmanned surface vessel technologies that will meet some or all of the performance requirements below  Meeting all requirements of this RFI is not mandatory The Government wants to understand the market space and potentially work with vendors to close identified gaps for a rapid fielding Middle Tier Acquisition MTA This RFI is released to support PMS 340s need for small unmanned surface vessels USVs The requirements below are specific to short endurance USVs Small unmanned surface vessels are defined as less than 14ft in length with a 4ft beam or less and less than 1000 lbs There is a possibility of two variants a short variant less than 6 feet and larger variant with a maximum length of 14 feet Mono hulls are preferred but all will be considered Basic GoalsRequirements The following is a list of basic goalsrequirements for the USV Again responses encouraged even if all cannot be met Transportability USV001 The USV shall be transportable to and from an operational area by an unmodified Combat Craft Medium CCM Mark 1 USV002 The USV shall be transportable to and from an operational area by an unmodified Combatant Craft Assault CCA Towing the USV from a CCA is acceptable if towable at operationally relevant speeds USV003 Handling to launch and recover the USV requires less than five personnel USV004 The USV shall be towable by host platform Performance Operational duration of 4 hours USV005 Conditions Sea state two 10 lbs of interchangeable payload with an average power draw of 10 watts for 4 hours USV006 Speed 15 knot sprint for two minutes Maintain 4 knots for two hours Remaining time can be in loiter USV007 ManeuverabilityStability The USV shall have the ability to hold station plus or minus 15 meters in sea state two with 15 knot winds USV008 Autonomy The USV shall have some level of autonomy to execute a preplanned mission and make changes based on the input it is given by integrated sensors Payload USV009 Ability to power and provide data to and from vehicle and payload USV010 The USV shall be compatible with the USSOCOM Modular Payload AKit USV011 In less than 90 minutes a team of two trained operators shall be capable of changing payloads without altering other subsystems or power supplies execute a payload builtintest and return the vehicle to mission ready status            Communication USV012 USV shall have the ability to receive and transmit C2 and payload data via line of sight links USV013 USV shall have the ability to receive and transmit C2 and payload data dependent on size over the horizon           Energy USV014 The energy sources for the USV should be something that can be produced refueled or recharged in an austere environment and is suitable for use on Naval surface ships USV015 Lithium Ion batteries are acceptable but additional information on the batteries used is requested  Ease of use USV0016 With trained personnel the USV shall require a maximum of 60 minutes to setup calibrate and field test premission checklist Environmental USV017 All system equipment directly exposed to the environment during maritime operations shall be designed to resist corrosion from salt sprayfog OPTIONAL USV018 Transit a minimum 50 nm USV019 Low signature and survivability capabilities that minimize detection during field operation USV020 Cyber hardening capabilities for dataatrest DAR and dataintransit DIT including zeroing data through scuttle and hard drive removal USV021 Hybrid Power Train REQUIRED RESPONSES Limit RFI responses to 5 pages  Responses containing Contractor proprietary information must be marked and transmitted in accordance with Contractor company requirements Proprietary information can be submitted by either encrypted email or CDDVD digital media CLASSIFIED SUBMISSIONS ARE NOT PERMITTED   Note  See Format and Page Limitations and Submission of Documentation paragraphs for additional instructions  Responses are preferred in the following format TITLE  Descriptive title for technology solution SUBMITTER INFORMATION  Responses should include the company name location of company and the title telephone number and both mail and email addresses of a point of contact POC having authority and knowledge to discuss the submission and the potential for procurement to support rapid fielding GOVERNMENT CUSTOMERSINTERESTED ORGANIZATIONS  Identify Government customer organizations cognizant of the technology and challenges in utilizing the technology  These should be the organizationsagencies that have interest in the technology and have the technical or programmatic expertise for assessing the values of the technology to potential Government customers  Identify any relevant related Government programs andor point of contact including organization mailing address email address and telephone and FAX numbers  Points of contact that can provide additional information useful to the technology review should be included in an Appendix Pages in the Appendix do not count in the page limitation Letters from current or potential Government customers expressing an interest in the technology solution and in addressing the challenges are encouraged  Such letters may be included in the Appendix again without impacting the page limitation TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION SOLUTION IMPACT  This section provides essential background information on the technology  This section should include at least the following Technology Description The technologyapproach and its current and future uses Benefits The potential advantages of the offered technology over alternative technologies in terms of cost performance maturity and other factors Operational Description  General description of command and control Information on operational intent ie in protected waters sea state less than X etc Technical Readiness Level   Provide the estimated technical readiness level TRL of the platform and a short justification of this level Rapid fielding requires commercial of the shelf COTS or minimum Technology Readiness Level of 7                   INDUSTRY CAPABILITIES  This section describes industrys current and expected capability to produce andor integrate the technology  Please also provide the lead time required to produce a single system CRITERIA  Please succinctly address how the technology offered will comply with one or more of the basic requirementsgoals listed above COSTFUNDING ESTIMATES  Highlevel cost estimates of implementing the offered technology development Contract vehicles must be preestablished to provide the option of procurement for rapid fielding FORMAT PAGE LIMITATION Submittals should be provided on standard letter size 812 by 11 inch paper limited to a maximum of 5 single sided 15spaced pages Cover sheet not included in page limit The font for text should be Times New Roman 12point or larger  The Responder may use oversize pages including foldouts where appropriate to contain graphic presentations  Oversize pages do not count as extra pages within the page limitations  Submitted responses should be in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat format  Existing commercial documentation and product literature can also be submitted and is not subject to a page limitation SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTATION Unclassified documentation shall be emailed to the primary Contracting Office POC and copied to the Principal Investigators as follows Contracting Office Nitaya Prater NSWC PCD Code 023 110 Vernon Avenue Panama City FL 32407 nitayapratercivusnavymil Principle Investigator Erica Davis NSWC PCD Code E11 110 Vernon Avenue Panama City FL 32407 850 2355795 ericacdavis8civusnavymil CoPrinciple Investigator Holli Van Camp NSWC PCD Code E11 110 Vernon Avenue Panama City FL 32407 850 6248535 holligvancampcivusnavymil INFORMATION APPROACH The Program may or may not select or recommend any of the submitted information for use to develop a project plan  Projects developed from this information would be competed in a full and open competition  The Navy as the DoD Executive Agent for the Program is not required to provide feedback to responders  NSWCPCD utilizes the RFI process to help identifydevelop potential programs and to determine if there is an industrial base to address Government needs  Upon receipt of RFI responses NSWCPCD reviews the submissions to determine the utility of the information and the merit of the proposed technical solution   If an RFI response does identify a potential program that meets the criteria stated in the NSWCPCD BAA and is appropriate dialogue may ensue between NSWCPCD and appropriate Government agencies to determine if a funding source can be established If the preceding considerations are met NSWCPCD may pursue a program  In the pursuit of a program the Government may communicate with the initiator of the RFI response  A definitive timeframe cannot be determined because the process is contingent upon a number of different variables  If feedback is not provided for an RFI response within 45 days it is likely that the Government is not pursuing the informationsolution further  DISCLAIMER This is a Request for Information RFI only as defined in FAR 15201 e to obtain information about pricing delivery and other market information or capabilities for planning purposes  This RFI is not a request for competitive proposals therefore responses to this notice are not considered offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract  Companies that respond will not be paid for the information submitted No telephone calls will be accepted requesting a bid package or solicitation  There is no bid package or solicitation at this time  All information received shall be safeguarded from unauthorized disclosure ADDITIONAL INFORMATION All responsible sources may submit information in response to this RFI that shall be considered by the agency  Responses to this RFI are due no later than 30 days from the publish date of the RFI  If late information is received it may be considered by the Government Evaluation Team depending on agency time constraints  All routine communications regarding this announcement should be directed to the designated Contracting Office POC nitayapratercivusnavymil  Please note  the Government is not required to provide feedback to RFI responders 

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE NAVY
  • Notice Type Sources Sought
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 05:58:20.686+09
Notice of Intent to Sole Source to American Hospital Association for membership dues
Notice ID 3c134cf96dc144eeb8dbb175c728b5dc

This is a Notice of Intent not a request for proposal  The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases NIAID of the National Institutes of Health NIH intends to negotiate on an other than full and open competition basis with the American Hospital Association The purpose of this acquisition is to pay the NIH Clinical Centers annual membership dues to the American Hospital Association The American Hospital Association AHA is the national organization that represents and serves all types of hospitals health care networks and their patient communities Close to 5000 hospitals health care systems networks other providers of care and 40000 individuals come together to form the AHA Through representation and advocacy activities AHA ensures that members perspectives and needs are heard and addressed in national health policy development legislative and regulatory debates and judicial matter The AHA provides education for health care leaders and is a source of information on health care issues and trends Membership in this organization provides critical information insights and inside perspectives to the everchanging challenges facing the hospital field AHA is recognized as the national advocate for hospitals and the communities and patients they serve It works with its members state regional and metropolitan associations and other organizations to shape and influence federal legislation and regulation to improve the ability of its members to deliver quality health care As a member the NIH Clinical Center benefits from the resources provided by the AHA The AHA is the only source that can renew the NIHs annual membership Place of Performance or Delivery The Period of Performance is one 1 year from 1012024 to 12312024 The statutory authority for this sole source requirement is 41 USC 1901 a 1 as implemented by FAR 131061 only one responsible source and no other supply of service will satisfy agency requirements THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL  All responsible sources that could provide the required may submit a capability statement that will be considered by email subject line to reference NOICC24003458 by 1100 AM eastern standard time on 4242024 to luchanglunihgov All responses received by the closing date of this synopsis will be considered by the Government  A determination not to compete this requirement based upon responses to this notice is solely within the discretion of the Government

  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 06:02:05.078+09
20-Foot Container Rental (29 each)
Notice ID c9a16ec526f645e9954124573c6fcf83

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE ARMY
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 06:02:21.381+09
Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) Event - Washington, DC (1-6 May 2024)
Notice ID 846b0e40f41e4607acf6456a2faa9c76

1 Action Code NA 2 Date 18 April 2024 3 Year 2024 4 Contracting Office ZIP Code 08641 5 Product or Service Code V231 6 Contracting Office Address 5418 South Scott Plaza Joint Base MDL NJ 08641 7 Subject Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Event 8 Proposed Solicitation Number W15QKN24R5032 9 Closing Response Date 3 April 2024 10 Contact Point or Contracting Officer Amber L Mears 11 Contract Award and Solicitation Number W15QKN24C5011   W15QKN24R5032 12 Contract Award Dollar Amount 45692000 13 Line Item Number 0001 0014 14 Contract Award Date 17 April 2024 15 Contractor FAR Government Inc 16 Description Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program Event is designed to provide information services referrals and proactive outreach programs to Reserve Component Service members and their Families through all phases of the deployment cycle The overall objective of the program is to prepare and sustain Service members and their Families before and after their mobilization in support of the 99th Readiness Division 17 Place of Contract Performance Washington DC 18 Setaside Status Not Applicable This requirement was issued as Full and Open Competition

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE ARMY
  • Office W6QK ACC-PICA
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 06:04:54.207+09
Notice ID 15472ed674654923a7584b834803690f

NOTICE OF AWARD GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES GREENCASTLE PA041 PURCHASE ORDER W15QKN24P5042 The US Army Contracting Command New Jersey Warfighter Support Division on behalf of the 99th Readiness Division has awarded Contract W15QKN24P5042 procuring grounds maintenance services to be performed at the Greencastle United States Army Reserve Center located at 389 Pensinger Road Greencastle PA 17225 PA041 The period of performance for this requirement shall be one 12month base year and four 12month option periods Purchase Order W15QKN24P5042 was issued as a 100 Total Small Business set aside on 15 APRIL 2024 to Gullitos Way of Rancho Cucamonga CA in the total award amount of 7005100

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE ARMY
  • Office W6QK ACC-PICA
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 06:05:24.81+09
Notice ID a632409993d946999a759e87430d3275

The purpose of this Amendment 0001 is to add Attachment 5 Site Visit Sign in Sheet Attachment 6 Questions and Answers and REVISED Attachment 1 Statement of Work The National Park Service NPS at Lassen Volcanic National Park LAVO has a requirement for removal of hazard trees The project is located at Lassen Volcanic National Park Shasta County CA The Contractor shall provide all supervision labor equipment testing and supplies necessary to complete the work as identified in the project specifications and associated documents provided as attachments to the solicitation The North American Industry Classification System NAICS Code for this requirement is 11530 with a corresponding size standard of 34 million This acquisition is a Total Small Business SetAside Quotations are solicited only from small business concerns Quotations received from concerns that are not small business concerns shall not be considered The Government anticipates award of a firmfixedprice purchase order resulting from this solicitation Evaluation for award will be made in accordance with the simplified acquisition procedures outlined in FAR Part 13106 The Government anticipates issuing an order resulting from this request for quotation to the responsible quoter whose quotation will be most advantageous to the Government price and other factors considered See Attachment 2 Statement of Work for a detailed description of the requirement Refer to provisions and clauses and other attachments for additional information about this requirement and instructions on how to submit a quotation Submit questions only through email to the person identified in Section III Ba Quotations must be received in their entirety via email as instructed in Section III Bg no later than the date and time specified in Block 8 of the SF 1449

  • Department/Ind.Agency INTERIOR, DEPARTMENT OF THE
  • Office PWR SF/SEA MABO(85000)
  • Notice Type Solicitation
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 06:06:55.427+09
K-12 Personal Safety and Healthy Relationships Instructional Resources
Notice ID aad5fcd2b6434be1abf9ed278bddda85

DoDEA requires systemic student personal safety and healthy relationship instructional resources for our K12 students that are planned sequential and can be delivered as a standalone counseling lesson or integrated into a part of a comprehensive classroom school health education approach DoDEA requires print andor digital sets of instructional resources for each grade K12 with at least two lessons per grade level per year or the equivalent number of lessons per grade band These materials will be used for individual smallgroup and wholeclass counseling DoDEA also requires related virtual professional learning DoDEA expects to award one contract for this requirement                                                                                                                                                                         See attachments for more information

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Notice Type Solicitation
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 06:07:30.061+09
Notice ID 693d22a554ab4b25989d4e8a56954ea9

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 06:11:12.835+09
Notice ID 1a85b808c5c04211831c8d0cf903a552

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Notice Type Award Notice
  • Published Date 2024-04-19 06:11:13.825+09