Notice ID
The Salmon Challis National Forest is seeking to procure ground maintenance services to provide general lawn maintenance and upkeep of the Public Lands Center grounds located at 1206 South Challis Street Salmon Idaho 83467 The contractor shall provide all management tools equipment and labor necessary to ensure that lawn services are performed in a mannerthat will maintain satisfactory facility condition and present a clean neat and professional appearance The Contractor is responsible for obtaining all equipment and tools required to fulfill this contract Mow grass around the Public Lands Center all the area around this facility Trim around all objects along the edge of and within the mowing area as well as the exterior side of the sidewalks the parking lots Public Lands Center Sign front of building the propane tanks auxiliary generator bike shed and recycle shed Once a month trimming is required around the vehicle parking areas and raised septic drain field Mowtrim height less than 1 ½ inch except where uneven terrain does not allow close mowing in these areas mow as close as possible without hitting the ground or roots Must not mow so close that grass is destroyed and ground exposed Use of Roundup is allowed under the vehicle parking area fences and aroundunder the propane tank Fertilizer will be applied at least three times 3 per growing season early season midseason and end of season to present and maintain a clean neat and professional appearance of the grounds The contractor will provide all equipment supplies and personnel Grounds will be mowed and trimmed once per week except as noted in 40 regarding vehicle parking areas and raised septic drain field There will be approximately 25 services for mowing and approximately 14 services for trimming as indicated in the schedule below Grounds will be mowed and trimmed every two weeks except as noted in 40 regarding vehicle parking areas and raised septic drain field MAY 01st THRU September 30 2024 MAY 01st THRU September 30 2025 Mow service once per week 25 visits Trim service every other week 14 visits