Notice ID
This is a SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE SSN announcement SSNs are issued to assist the Agency in performing market research to determine industry interest and capability THIS IS NOT A SOLICITATION FOR PROPOSALS AND NO CONTRACT SHALL BE AWARDED FROM THIS SYNOPSIS Therefore no proposals are being requested or accepted in response to this SSN In accordance with IAW Federal Acquisition Regulation FAR Part 10 SSP is conducting market research to determine if sources are capable of successfully performing the requirements identified in this SSN Specifically SSP is seeking capable firms to provide Systems Engineering and Training support for multiple programs including Columbia USUK TRIDENT W93 SSBN SSGN and LE2 as well as Orientation and Cultural Awareness Training Independent System Safety and Surety Support TRIDENT Support to the United Kingdom UK Royal Navy and Leadership Training for Strategic Systems Programs and Field Activities The anticipated contract will contain a base year effort for FY 2025 and include options during FY 2026 through FY 2029 The contract will contain combination of LevelofEffort LOE Line Items on a CostPlusFixedPrice CPFF basis Cost only and Firm Fixed Price FFP Each LOE line item is estimated to cover a twelve 12 month period of performance and will include option provisions to increase the LOE up to thirty 30 in accordance with SSP terms and conditions The anticipated award date is October 1 2024 NOTE Given the highly technical nature of SSPs mission set as a major weapons systems command and corresponding technical requirements respondents must provide recent and relevant past performance data as detailed below to demonstrate and substantiate the respondents ability to successfully execute requirements detailed in this SSN