Notice ID
The Government is seeking to lease office and related space in Nassau County NY for a minimum of 34475 ANSIBOMA Office Area ABOA to a maximum of 36199 ABOA square feet State New York City Nassau County Delineated Area North Interstate 495 East New York State Route 135 South Herricks Road West Southern State Parkway See below and attach DA Map Minimum Sq Ft ABOA 34475 Maximum Sq Ft ABOA 36199 Space Type Office Parking Spaces Total 238 Surface Parking Spaces Surface 233 Parking Spaces Structured 0 Parking Spaces Reserved 5 Full Term 15 Years Firm Term 10 Years Option Term NA Additional Requirements Proposed location must be in a commercial office park Proposed space shall not be in an industrial area Subleases are not acceptable All services supplies utilities and tenant alterations are to be provided as part of the rental consideration Space must be contiguous on one or two floors Lower floors are preferable If it is determined that the space can be located on more than one story the public entry security information records and ceremony rooms should remain on the same floor serving most public functions If more than one floor minimum 18500 sf must be on one floor to accommodate the public funcations Access to a loading dock or a loading area with a double door entry way is required Space should allow for efficient layout and office workflow Space cannot have column spacing less than 24 247 access to space through a card system is required 5 secured parking spaces are required for Government vehicles 233 additional surface parking spaces required for employees and visitors that must be located within 14 mile from the building Parking lots and all access from the proposed location to the parking lots must be well lit at all times to ensure safety Front door of location cannot be within 300 ft of a school LEED CI certification required EV charging stations required 1 dual port Server Room will require 247 operation Offered space must meet Government requirements for fire safety accessibility seismic and sustainability standards per the terms of the Lease A fully serviced lease is required Offered space shall not be in the 1percentannual chance floodplain formerly referred to as 100year floodplain This procurement will be subject to all the rules regulations conditions and specifications stated in the Request for Lease Proposal RLP package that will be sent out pursuant to this advertisement At this time the Government is only considering existing buildings and will not consider new construction options Expressions of Interest must be received in writing no later than October 27th 2023 by 500 pm EST and should include the following at minimum 1 Building name and address and location of the available space within the building The building sitelot plans interior building layout drawingspictures with dimensions shown preferably reflecting the space that is being offered 2 Rentable square feet available and expected rental rate per rentable square foot fully serviced 3 ANSIBOMA office area ABOA square feet to be offered and expected rental rate per ABOA square foot fully serviced Indicate whether the quoted rental rate includes an amount for tenant improvements and state the amount if any 4 Date of space availability 5 Building ownership information 6 Amount of parking available onsite and its cost Include whether expected rental rate includes the cost of 5 required official Government vehicles 7 Name address telephone number and email address of authorized contact Owners brokers or agents may offer space for consideration Any properties submitted by brokers or agents must be accompanied by written evidence that they are authorized by the ownership to exclusively represent the building offered Expressions of Interest Due October 27 2023 Market Survey Estimated Late November 2023 Offers Due Estimated January 2024 Occupancy Estimated August 16 2025 Send Expressions of Interest to NameTitle Tiffany Kurniawan GSA Broker Contractors 2023402860 TiffanyKurniawangsagov Bill Korchak Broker Contractor 2128125818 WilliamKorchakjllcom With a Copy to Lease Contracting Officer Alfonso Yau Lease Contracting Officer Office Number 2122649443 Email Address AlfonsoYaugsagov Please reference Project Number 2NY0890 for submittals sent electronically to the email addresses above