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Contract Opportunity result Lists

Showing 7451 - 7460 of 7209467 results
Notice ID 2c94c7da831e9949fea57e0c81542dde

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-20 14:00:00+09
A -- Broad Agency Announcement
Notice ID 3597d46146969490a0ca00532909f8e4

The purpose of this announcement is to advertise the continued availability of Naval Research Laboatory NRL Broad Agency Announcement BAA 0101 for scientific research and development relevant to the NRL mission The BAA opened on January 1 2001 and will close on December 31 2002 The list of BAA topics may be found at URL httpheronnrlnavymilcontractsbaahtmSome topics have been closed modified or added to the list All inquiries to the BAA topics should be directed to the point of contact below

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Subtier DEPT OF THE NAVY
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-20 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 3a53a100d5ddf4975418e7d4b1c37b69

This is a combined synopsissolicitation for a commercial item prepared in accordance with FAR 126 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice THIS ANNOUNCEMENT CONSTITUTES THE ONLY SOLICITATION PROPOSALS ARE BEING REQUESTED AND A WRITTEN SOLICITATION WILL NOT BE ISSUED Direct all questions or inquiries referencing this RFP to Mona C Selden Contract Specialist 301 4157907 email mcs1nrcgov AND Yvette Brown 301 4156507 email yrbnrcgov Due to the recent anthrax events ALL OFFERS SHALL BE FAXED to 301 4158157 NO LATER THAN 1200 noon NRC local time on 010402 All proposals shall be addressed to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC Division of Contracts and Property Management Attn Mona C Selden RFP No NRR02029 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville MD 20852 Solicitation No NRR02029 herein is issued as a Request for Proposal RFP This RFP is for full and open competition and the North American Industry Classification System Code is 325412 The NRC intends to issue a Commercial Item Fixed Price Requirements Type Contract with a period of performance of two years NOTE THE ATTACHMENTS CAN BE FOUND AT httpwwwfedbizoppsgov BACKGROUNDThe NRC has revised 10 CFR 5047b9 of its emergency preparedness regulations The revised rule requires that States with population within the 10mile emergency planning zone of commercial nuclear power plants consider including potassium iodide KI as a protective measure for the general public to supplement sheltering and evacuation in the unlikely event of a severe nuclear power plant accident Concomitant with this action the NRC is providing a supply of KI to each State or Tribe that incorporates KI for the general public into their emergency plans If local governments are designated by the State NRC will also provide a supply to the local governments At present NRC is only providing the initial supply of KI OBJECTIVEThe Contractor shall provide up to six 6 million KI tablets of either 65 mg or 130 mg of KI produced by an FDA approved manufacturer in the quantities and to the locations designated by the NRC Project Officer PO within 48 hours of receiving a delivery order from the NRC PO SCOPE OF WORK Supply and Distribute Potassium IodideKI Tablets TASK 1 SUPPLY POTASSIUM IODIDE TABLETSThe Contractor shall provide up to six million Potassium Iodide Tablets Configuration of Potassium Iodide TabletsEach KI tablet whether 65mg or 130mg shall be manufactured by either MedPointe Inc or Anbex Inc currently the only two FDAapproved manufacturers Each tablet shall be scored in to enable the user to break the tablet into at least two pieces Each tablet shall have at a minimum a fiveyear shelf life TASK 2 DISTRIBUTIONThe Contractor shall ship the KI tablets to the locations specified in the delivery orders issued by the NRC PO See Attachment 5 for Locations The Contractor shall maintain records of the shipping logs showing quantities sent receiving organization and proof of delivery A copy of these documents shall be provided to the NRC PO no later than five calendar days after the delivery date DELIVERY SCHEDULE TASK 1 INITIAL SUPPLY The Contractor shall be able to ship up to two million KI tablets no later than 20 calendar days from the effective date of the contract DAMAGEDCRUSHED TABLETS The Contractor shall replace at no cost to the NRC any tablets that have been damaged or crushed during shipping TASK 2 SUBSEQUENT SUPPLYThe Contractor shall ship the specified amount of KI tablets to the locations identified in the delivery order no later than 48 hours from receipt of the delivery order from the NRC PO The Contractor shall provide the NRC PO with proof of delivery to the recipient ie tracking number from UPS no later than 24 hours after delivery PERIOD OF PERFORMANCETwo years from the effective date of the contract POINT O

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-20 14:00:00+09
T -- Annual Newsletter Subscriptions for Nuclear/Energy Publications
Notice ID 25b5566ad12450573b9ba61a231a1efc

The US Nuclear Regulatory Commission NRC intends to enter into a sole source contract with McGrawHill Inc for the acquisition of newsletters and wide area site license for various publications McGrawHill Inc provides the NRC with electronic redistribution site license and paper format for the following newsletters Inside EnergyWith Federal Lands 7 EA Inside NRC 27 EA Nuclear Fuel 9 EA Nucleonics Week 26 EA Nuclear News Flashes 1EA These periodicals are only published by McGrawHill Inc under copyright The Period of Performance will be January 1 2002 through December 31 2002 with four 4 additional one 1 year option periods The Government intends to negotiate solely with McGrawHill Inc 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York New York 10020 for a firm fixed priced contract for the publications referenced above Interested respondents must submit a written capability statement including technical information sufficient to demonstrate a bona fide capability to meet this requirement to the address shown above no later than 10 calendar days from date announcement appears in Federal Business Opportunities Telephonic responses and responses providing insufficient information for evaluation will not be considered

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-20 14:00:00+09
Notice ID 1e454b39bfb9cae0aeda136133324b01

NASALaRC plans to issue a Draft NASA Research Announcement NRA for the establishment of the National Institute of Aerospace at Langley Research Center on or about January 17 2002 The Institute will 1 conduct leading edge aerospace research and develop revolutionary new technologies by creating innovative collaborative synergistic partnerships among LaRC academia and industry 2 provide comprehensive graduate education in science and engineering through participating universities by using both a local campus and exploiting innovative distancelearning concepts 3 incubate stimulate and commercialize new intellectual property and 4 promote aerospace science and engineering provide outreach and stimulate public awareness and support in aeronautics and space research and technology development The principal objectives of the Institute are to 1 create a strategic partner to conduct leading edge research in collaboration with LaRC 2 leverage the intellectual capital of the academic community to fulfill the LaRC mission and 3 leverage the assets of LaRC for the public purposes of creating new knowledge and a bettereducated workforce The scope of the research to be performed by the Institute encompasses 1 aerospace systems concepts and analysis 2 aerodynamics aerothermodynamics and acoustics 3 structures and materials 4 airborne systems 5 atmospheric sciences and sensor system technologies and 6 planetary capture and entry technologies The Institute will be established pursuant to NASA Procedures and Guidelines NPG 50001 entitled Establishing a Science and Research Institute The NPG can be obtained at httpnodis3gsfcnasagovlibrarymainlibhtml NASA intends to award both a Cooperative Agreement and Contract to a single proposing entity In accordance with NPG 50001 the lead proposing entity must be a domestic academic institution or a notfor profit organization or a consortium of such entities A Presolicitation Conference is scheduled for January 31 2002 at NASA Langley Research Center The conference will start at approximately 830am Additional details regarding the conference will be set forth in the Draft NRA To attend this conference you are required to register with Julie B Fowler by email at nialarcnasagov and provide the following information Your citizenship United States or name of country your title Dr Mr or Ms name first middle and last company and company address telephone number facsimile fax number and email address LaRC security procedures for foreign national visitors require at least 10 working days advance notice Therefore foreign national visitors must register before January 8 2002 to allow the 10 days for a background check The information required for foreign nationals includes name first middle and last whether or not you are currently a visitor in the United State yes or no gender male or female date of birth citizenship city and country of birth titlearea of expertise attach copy of resume employer name country of employer organization address city state or country zip code organization telephone facsimile fax and email address whether or not you are a green card holder yes or noif yes provide green card number and expiration date passport number passport expiration date country of issuance social security number visa number and type visa expiration date and grantcontract number If you are uncomfortable providing the above information electronically you may contact Julie B Fowler at 7578643408 The purpose of the Draft NRA is to solicit comments on all aspects of the solicitation including the requirements proposal instructions and evaluation approach Please note that proposals are not being solicited at this time A synopsis will be posted to the CBD and the NASA Acquisition Internet Service prior to the release of the Final NR

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-20 14:00:00+09
R--LifeLine Version 1.1 Software
Notice ID 6bc745e22ff079c8c44c93d6d6463966

EPA is requesting that LifeLine version 11 software be modified by the Life Line Group LLG to allow the estimation of cumulative risk to pesticides in accordance with EPAOPP Guidelines perform a cumulative risk assessment for the organophosphorus pesticides and revise user and technical documentation for the LifeLine software to reflect modification Pesticides are chemicals that are deliberately introduced into the environment to prevent destroy repel or mitigate any pest As specified by the Federal Insecticide Fungicide and Rodenticide Act FIFRA and the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act FFDCA as amended by the Food Quality Protection Act FQPA a pesticide may be registered if its use will not result in unreasonable adverse effects or risks to humans or the environment the Health Effects Division HED of OPP within the EPAOPP is charged with ensuring that reasonable certainty of no harm to human health and the environment will occur as a consequence of the use of pesticides in food production processing storage and transporation Therefore HEDmust evaluate aggregate exposures doses and risks associated with the use of pesticide active ingredients LifeLine Version 11 is a computer software system designed to evaluate aggregate exposure doses and risks associated with the use of a pesticide active ingredient for a period ranging from one day to a lifetime The LLG is the sole owner of the LifeLine software and holder of the copyright to the program It is anticipated that the government will award a sole source fixed price contract to LLG with a twelve month performance period

  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-20 14:00:00+09
67--Laser Imaged Printing Plates, Developer, Finisher
Notice ID 1bb7bf784d73df4d19f1946326763894

67 This is a combined synopsissolicitation for BRAND NAME ONLY AGFA commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in the Federal Acquisition Regulation FAR Subpart 126 and supplemented with additional information included in this notice This announcement constitutes the only solicitation quotes are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued The requirement is as follows Item 0001 AGFA ENCO N91 Laser Imaged Printing Plates K5Q58000 30 2932 x 40 12 x 012QTY 2760 Plates Item 0002 AGFA ENCO N91 Laser Imaged Printing Plates K5RK5000 45 116 x 56 516 x 016QTY 300 Plates Item 0003 AGFA ENCO N91 Laser Imaged Printing Plates K66J1000 51 58 x 63 38 x 016QTY 1800 Plates Item 0004 AGFA Developer En231 K2VKW000 20 Liter ContainerQTY 30 Each Item 0005 AGFA Developer EN 331 K2VHS000 20 Liter ContanerQTY 16 Each Item 0006 AGFA Finisher RC510 Baking Solution K2VJ000 20 Liter ContainerQTY 15 Each This requirment is subject to DFARS 2522047004 Required Central Contractor Registration NAICS Codes is 333293 This procurement is unrestricted Delivery to NIMA 3838 Vogel Road Arnold MO 63010 between the hours of 0630 and 1400 hours military time Quote shall be faxed NO LATER THAN NOON 26 DECEMBER 2001 to Pam Zavadil Contract Specialist 3142638024 FAX314 2634211 X114 OFFICE PHONE

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-20 14:00:00+09
Y -- Install Erosion Control Practices, Ft. Jackson, SC
Notice ID de63d1a37e67486ac8823369680c5618

Install erosion control practices at 13 sites on Fort Jackson Military Reservation Columbia South CarolinaMajor items of work include seeding 19 acres erosion control blankets 34000 sq yd slope repair 1 acre road shoulder and channel repair 12000 lin ft rockfill CR14 6500 tons topsoiling 1000 cu yd polyethylene pipe 15 in diam 570 lin ft riprap 400 tons and waterway construction 4200 lin ft Interested parties are invited to attend a site showing on January 23 2002 The site showing will begin at 900 AM in the conference room Building 2562 Directorate of Logistics and Engineering Engineer Road at Essayons Way Fort Jackson SC All visitors to Fort Jackson who do not have an appropriate military vehicle decal must enter the installation from Forest Drive at Gate 2 take exit 12 from I77 To obtain a visitors pass a visitor must advise guard that heshe is attending a contract site showing at the Engineering Office and present drivers license vehicle registration and proof of insurance Performance time is 181 calendar days The estimated price is within the range of 250000 to 500000 The solicitation is subject to full and open competition with preferences to SBA certified Hubzone and SDB concerns The NAICS code for this procurement is 234990 The solicitation will be available for viewing andor downloading from this website on or about January 7 2002

  • Department/Ind.Agency
  • Subtier
  • Office
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-20 14:00:00+09
A -- Active Noise Reduction Earplug System
Notice ID 44f49f5ae67875a6bc58f8e05b5a2c5e

This announcement is to provide the proposal due date for the technical and cost proposals for the second step of PRDA 0201HE Technical and Cost Proposals are due on 28 Jan 2002 by 300 pm local time to the attention of Jeanette Zimmer or Dave Box at the above address Offerors should refer to the original announcement for additional instructions regarding proposal submittal All other information in the original announcement remains unchanged Interested offerors may view andor download the original PRDA solicitation by accessing the Federal Business Opportunities FedBizOps homepage at httpwwwepsgov Direct questions to the Contracting point of contact identified in the announcement

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Notice Type Modification/Amendment/Cancel
  • Published Date 2001-12-20 14:00:00+09
83 -- White cotton Bags
Notice ID ed598c2ce8c9c30e137f7aaf17c2daeb

No Description Provided

  • Department/Ind.Agency DEPT OF DEFENSE
  • Office FA7000 10 CONS LGC
  • Notice Type Presolicitation
  • Published Date 2001-12-21 14:00:00+09