Notice ID
The USDA Agricultural Research Service in Aberdeen ID plans to upgrade the present PowerGene system which consists of an upgrade of FISH CGH and karyotyping custom software upgrade of the CaptureKaryotyping Workstation computer and upgrade from a manual slide bar filter set to a fully computer controlled filter wheel FISH MacProbe Software for capture and processing including enhancement measurement and gray image conversion archiving and retrieval of in situ hybridization chromosome research studies CGH Comparative Genomic Hybridization Software for automatic DAPI karyotyping gray band conversion and reversion to full CGH pseudocolored karyotyping displayKaryotyping MacKType Software for chromosome image capture processing including count enhancement profiling and comparison facilities archiving and retrieval of cytogenetic research studies PowerGene CaptureKaryotyping Workstation which consists of Apple Power Macintosh G4733 MHz tower with 256MB PC133 SDRAM 32MB SDRAM 60 GB HD CDRW internal FaxModem extended keyboard and mouse System OS 91 operating system Ethernet capability for networking standard cabling components and installed custom PowerGene softwareFilter Wheel Controller adaptor and Chromatechnology 83000 Set which is fully computer controlled and includes controller unit shutter control and microscope adaptor also single band excitors for Texas Redrhodamine PI FITC and DAPI dual band excitor for FITC and rhodamine and triple bandpass excitor for FITC rhodamine and DAPI The USDA plans to negotiate with the only known source Applied Immaging Corp for this upgrade A solicitation is not available for this procurement action and interested firms are encouraged to present proposals to the address listed in this notice See numbered note 22