Notice ID
POC Armen Yeghiazarian Contracts Specialist USAID Armenia Department of State Washington DC 205217020 Intl Aaddress 18 Marshall Baghramian Avenue Yerevan 375019 Armenia Intl Fax 3741543871 Email ayeghiazarianUSAIDgov Description Solicitation USAIDArmenia hereinafter to as USAID is seeking proposals to implement Bank SupervisionPhase II Activity Activity This Activity will support USAIDArmenias Strategic Objective 13 Growth of a Competitive Private Sector and in particular IR3 Access to Financial Capital Increased and also IR4 Increased Capacity of Private Enterprises in Selected Sub Sectors to Conduct Businesses The Programs objectives are to i develop a central bank supervision department that performs in accordance with best practice international standards as broadly defined by the Basel Core Principles ii provide banking legislative and CBA regulatory support which empowers the bank supervision to effectively execute its responsibilities iii develop the CBAs accounting policies and procedures so as to give commercial banks clear guidance on how to conduct their accounting practices The overarching goal of this initiative is to have a banking sector that effectively performs the basic functions essential for economic growth These include mobilizing savings mediating between savers and investors acting as a conduit for disseminating monetary policy and effectively executing payments USAID contemplates the award of a CostPlusFixedFee Completion contract with a three year performance period The preferred method of distribution of USAID Acquisition and Assistance AA information is via the Internet By exception USAID can provide the solicitation on a 35 disk Microsoft 97 format via email or a hard copy RCOUSAIDCaucasus anticipates issuing the solicitation on or about January 4 2002 The solicitation will appear on this site once it is issued You must confirm in writing to the contact person noted above that you have received this solicitation through the Internet The subject line should read Notice of Interest and the body should address physical address as well as email return address As the recipient of this solicitation document you are responsible for ensuring that you have received it from the INTERNET in its entirety USAID bears no responsibility for data errors resulting from transmission or conversion processes Further be aware that amendments to the solicitations are occasionally issued and will be posted on the same Internet site from which you downloaded the solicitation Generally the Contracting Officer will issue amendments to all those who have sent in the written confirmation of solicitation receipt However USAID does not guarantee that an amendment will be issued to you directly based upon written confirmation that you have downloaded the solicitation from the Internet You are therefore advised to regularly check this site httpwwwfedbizopps for amendments