Notice ID
The U S Department of Energy intends to increase an award for a sole source contract to Reuters America Inc for their commercial timesharing Energy Plus Service The award was not previously synopsized because the award amount was below the 25000 maximum for nonsolicitation The increase of 1000 will increase the total award above the 25000 dollar maximum The renewal period is for oneyear The Energy Plus Service provides Energy 2000 Reuters Graphics Professional and Newsyear 2000 This is a notice of intent and not a request for proposal If your company believes that they can perform these services please forward a capability statement to the address in this notice including prices The proposed contract is for services for which the Government intends to renew with only one source under the authority of FAR 6302 All submissions must be received five 5 days of the publication date of this synopsis A determination by the Government not to compete this acquisition based upon responses to this notice is solely the discretion of the Government See Notes 22 and 23