Notice ID
NA CONTACT INFO Contract specialist is D Scott Shelley 509 5277208 Technical POC is John Boschker 509 5277541 To order a CD interested firms may either 1 fax requests complete with company name shipping address point of contact phone number fax number and business size to Connie Kindelspire at 509 5277226 or 2 email requests with all of the same infor mation to ConnieLKindelspireusacearmymil The Walla Walla Districts web page httpwwwnwwusacearmymilebsAdvertisedSolicitationsasp may be used however it is requested that registration be confirmed with either a fax or an email The gove rnment cannot guarantee a bidder will make it onto the bidders list if registration is completed using only the web page Solicitation documents including drawings will be available on CD ONLY The solicitation will be issued on or about Feb 12 2002 with proposals due on or about March 14 2002 The US Army Corps of Engineers Walla Walla District intends to upgrade the turbines at McNary Dam powerhouse Acquisition of this contract will be accomplished by using a twophase source selection negotiation process First Phase will be the design fabrication and testing of turbine models in a competitive model test scenario The models are to be designed and built to a modeltoprototype scale Models will then be installed and tested at an independent testing labo ratory and also at the Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Research and Design Center in Vicksburg Mississippi Contractors who are determined to be most capable of designing manufacturing and installing the turbine repairs and modifications required at McNary Dam will be selected to participate in the first phase model test phase Second Phase The contractor who produces the turbine model that is determined to best meet the needs of the Government will be selected to manufacture and install a first unit prototype After the prototype is installed the Government will conduct ex tensive biological and field performance testing The results of the testing will provide information needed in the decision making process for powerhouse modernization plans Should the recommended plan be to replace existing turbines then contract opt ions for as many as thirteen additional fullsize units may be exercised There are 14 existing Kaplan type turbines at McNary powerhouse that were manufactured by S Morgan Smith Co Turbines were installed in the late 1940s and early 50s during construction of the dam The units are rated at 111300 horsepower at a speed of 857 rpm Runner diameters are 280 inches The new runners shall be a fixed blade mixed flow diagonal flow type or other fixed blade design Minimum runner diameter will be 280 inches maximum diameter will be 290 inches Contractors will develop a new turbine runner and the necessary modifications of the existing components to achieve the contract requirements through model testing in a turbine model test laboratory Installation work at McNary Dam consists of disassembling the existing generator and turbine After disassembly the contractor will install the new runner and all associated new and modifiedrepaired existing parts Modify reusable existing parts such as head covers and wicket gates Inspect and repair turbine and generator shafts thrust and guide bearings and wicket gate servomotors Furnish and install new bushings seals and packings Weld repair of cavitation damage to the existing discharge rin g if new runner is 280 inch diameter or furnish and install a new discharge ring if new runner is greater than 280 inches Cavitation repair consists of excavation of the 2 to 3 foot wide band of damaged area welding a stainless steel overlay in the exca vated area and precision machining the weld material Abrasive blast cleaning nondestructive examination and painting of most nonrotating turbine components At the contractors discre