Notice ID
This is part one of a multipart announcement Additional sections are designated by the original PRDA number PRDA99DE04 with added alpha suffix a b c etcPOCs Contracting issues Ms Louise G McDonough Contracting Officer Det 8 AFRLPKDL 2251 Maxwell Avenue SE Bldg 499 Room 121 Kirtland AFB NM 871175773 5058469691 fax 5058461546 Email address mcdonoulplkafmil Technical issues Dr Michael G Harrison AFRLDEPE 3550 Aberdeen Avenue SE Bldg 909 Room 216A Kirtland AFB NM 871175776 50581175776 fax 5058460566 Email address harrisonplkafmil Information concerning this procurement will be available on the Electronic Posting System EPS httpwwwepsgov The AFRL PRDABAA Guide dated 29 Jun 98 is available at httpextraafrlafmilpolicyguideshtm The total program budget for this effort is approximately 785M over a fiveyear periodAINTRODUCTION The Air Force Research Laboratory AFRL Directed Energy Directorate DE Kirtland AFB NM is seeking innovative techniques and approaches to AFRL research requirements for Directed Energy Effects Research The goal of this effort is to develop innovative approaches for determining the susceptibilityvulnerability of US and foreign systems to highpower microwave HPM environments These new approaches would result in improvements over currently used techniques and approaches The innovative approaches being sought would be applicable to experimental planning and conduct pre and postexperiment analysis and lethality assessments The metric for a successful white paper will be based on innovative improvements proposed over current techniques and approaches that can obtain useful information with the expenditure of fewer resources The successful offeror s will address one or more of the task areas described in the SOO The successful offeror s will demonstrate extensive knowledge and innovative methods that lead to scientific advancement and breakthroughs in understanding HPM effects and physics principles The successful offerors will also demonstrate novel methods that improve prediction techniques AFRL contemplates award of Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity IDIQ cost plus fixed fee CPFF completion contracts under this announcement but reserves the right to award other types of contracts or nonFAR instruments as appropriate The government reserves the right to make one several or no awards and to incorporate any one or more parts or all of the effort in an individual contract Therefore all interested firms are encouraged to participate in this action even if not capable of satisfying the governments entire mission needs Offer on that part or parts of the work that you do well A statement of objective SOO which outlines four distinct task areas and examples of related work are provided on the contracting website While no preproposal conference is contemplated for this effort prospective offerors wishing to visit AFRL facilities listed in the supplemental information package posted on the EPS may do so by contacting the technical POC cited above and arranging a visit All visits will be escorted Only questions directly related to the facilities will be answered All other questions should be submitted in writing or by facsimile transmission to the contracting officer Answers will be posted on the website as general information to all prospective offerors