Notice ID
s locker rooms with toilets and showers a small ADP room to house computer equipment a secure storage area and a mechanicalstorage area The building addition will be constructed over a crawl space similar to the existing structure The exterior brick veneer roofing and widows shall match the type installed on the existing building The framing can be either wood or steel frame construction A new larger capacity heating and airconditioning system shall be installed to replace the existing system Some site backfill and grading will be required to eliminate low areas where the addition is to be constructed Plumbing and electrical modifications will be provided to suit the tenants requirements The project is designbuild in nature Upon contract award the first phase will consist of the development of construction design documents in a format suitable for approval by local zoning departments The design requirements will be as specified in the solicitation documents As part of the solicitation GSA will furnish schematic floor plans for the building remodeling and expansion GSA will also furnish a schematic building elevation plan a crosssection plan showing typical required construction and an electrical plan Project requirements and building specifications will also be described in narrative form The solicitation will also include a set of the original construction design documents from 1960 for reference Upon approval of design documents by the GSA Contracting Officer the contractor will then proceed with construction The contractor shall devise a plan of action as to how work should be accomplished including demolition method of removal of disposal of materials and equipment to be removed and testing and startup procedures The contractor will be responsible for the construction of the entire project The offer shall consist of a report of qualifications and a price proposal A singlephase evaluation process will be used The evaluation of offers shall be done on a gonogo basis If more than one offeror meets the minimum performance qualifications then the deciding factor for making award will be priceThe estimated price range for this project is between 100000 and 250000 The completion time for this project is one hundred eighty 180 calendar days The NAICSSIC code for this procurement is 2333201542 This procurement is setaside for small business concerns The Request for Proposal RFP package will be available for downloading on or about February 28 2001 You may contact the contracting officer for hard copies of the drawings and they will be mailed upon request