Notice ID
PCO Suzanne Cole Contracting Officer 478 9267851 ext 163 email SuzanneColerobinsafmilBuyer Sandy Weickert Contracting Specialist 478 9267851 ext 141 email SandraWeickertrobinsafmil 1 Acquisition is for NSN 1740010688945YW Flight line tow tractor IAW CID AA59312 dated 19 Aug 98 and amended 14 May 01 Requirement is for 170 each in the base year and 3 option years quantity of 1200 each year The requirement also includes optional accessories and data requirements CBD Note 1 100 SBSA applies Acquisition will be in accordance with FAR Part 12 Commercial procedures Best value Technically AcceptablePrice Performance Tradeoff evaluation procedures will be used Shipto instructions will be provided at time of award 2 Description The new commercial Flight line tow tractor herein after called FLTT is based on a commercial truck chassis which is modified for use as a tow tractor in worldwide service The FLTT will be available in two wheel or four wheel drive variants The vehicle is capable of producing 4500 pounds minimum of drawbar pull and tows aircraft up to 70000 pounds or trailers up to 40000 pounds on grades up to two and one half percent The vehicle furnished must meet the commercial item definition as specified in FAR 2101 as of the date of award The offerorcontractor shall provide two copies of their commercial descriptive catalogs with their offer as specified in Clause I106 The offerorcontractor shall identify all modifications made to their commercial model in order to meet the performance and descriptive requirements of the CID or referenced documents In regard to the offered item the offerorcontractor shall identify anyall variations from compliance with or modifications to the performance requirements of the CID or the referenced documents 3 Estimated Milestones Draft RFP OA 29 Jun 01 Final RFP OA 20 Jul 01 Receipt of proposals 31 Aug 01 Award 30 Nov 01 4 All potential offerors should contact the buyerPCO identified above for additional information andor to communicate concerns if any concerning this acquisition If the contracting officer does not satisfy your concerns an Ombudsman has been appointed to hear serious concerns that are not resolved through established channels The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to diminish the authority of the program director or contracting officer but to communicate serious contractor concerns issues disagreements and recommendations to the appropriate government personnel When requested the Ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern The Ombudsman does not participate in the evaluation of proposals or in the source selection process When appropriate potential offerors may contact Ombudsman Major Chris Harrington at 478 9262604 Please be prepared to identify previous contacts made by you in an attempt to resolve your concerns