Notice ID
This is a PreSolicitation Notice for an upcoming full and open Request for Applications RFA This Request for ApplicationsRFA will ONLY be released and available electronically at wwwfedbizoppsgov Accordingly NO telephone fax or email requests will be accepted Since the RFA will only be available electronically it will be the responsibility of interested parties to monitor the FedBizOpps website for any amendments The ESTIMATED release date of the RFA is August 22 2001 Applications will be due roughly 30 days after release of the RFA Exact date and time of submission of Applications will appear in the RFA The Federal Highway Administration FHWA anticipates awarding one cooperative agreement as a result of this RFA to provide a Tribal Technical Assistance Center for the States of California and Nevada This cooperative agreement will be awarded as part of the Tribal Technical Assistance Program TTAP a cooperative effort between the Federal Highway Administration FHWA and the Bureau of Indian Affairs BIA The objectives of the program are 1 Transfer transportation technology to American Indian tribal governments through training technical assistance and information access 2 Improve communication on technical transportation issues among FHWA BIA state DOTs tribal governments cities counties and metropolitan and regional transportation organizations including Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Regional Planning Organizations 3 Assist in developing and implementing new transportation technologies and administrative procedures at the tribal level 4 Provide tribal governments with training and technical assistance in Public Law 93638 contracting and selfgovernance compacts 5 Provide training and technical assistance in intergovernmental transportation planning recreational travel and tourism and related economic development and 6 Provide ongoing contact and communication with tribal staffs and elected officials FUNDING Total Federal funds subject to availability are estimated to be 1250000 over five years with a 10 costshare requirement the awardee must contribute 125000 over five years