Notice ID
s for each proposed translatorinterpreter with appropriate security clearance information if applicable The Resumes shall includeName Social Security Number Citizenship status Places and level of education Employment information dates company names locations summary of duties b The Government reserves the right to evaluate proposed translatorsinterpreters telephonically andor review a translated sample of work prior to award selection c The Contractor shall provide a minimum of three references for Past Performance Evaluation PROVISIONS AND CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE The following Federal Acquisition Regulation FAR provisions are applicable to the acquisition 522121 Instructions to OffersCommercial Items 522122 Evaluation Commercial Items with the following evaluation factors inserted in paragraph a of the provision Award will be made to the offeror who provides the lowest priced technically acceptable offer To be acceptable the offeror shall propose support from qualified individuals that provide the capability addressed above Evaluation factors of Rsums and Past Performance are provided in descending order of importance with Rsums being twice as important as Past Performance 522123 Offeror Representations and CertificationsCommercial Items and Defense Federal Acquisition Supplement DFARS 2522127000 Offeror Representations and CertificationsCommercial Items are applicable to this requirement and offerors shall include a completed copy of the Representations and Certifications with their bid The following FAR Clauses are applicable to this acquisition 522124 Contract Terms and ConditionsCommercial Items 522125 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive OrdersCommercial Items with the following clauses being applicable to the solicitation 522036 Alt I 5222226 5223233 5222236 5224764 and 5222235 Additionally DFARS 2522047004 Required Central Contractor Registration 2522127001 Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statutes Applicable to Defense Acquisition of Commercial Items with the clause 2522257024 applicable QUOTES ARE DUE Quotes shall be received at HQUSASOC ATTN AOCO Jane Sutherlin Fort Bragg North Carolina 28310 not later than 200 pm ET 17 December 2001 Fax submissions will be accepted at 910 4329345 In additional to the Proposal Submission information requested above proposals shall include 1 letter signed by an individual authorized to bind the organization with a schedule of monthly prices per language proposed travel and per diem costs if applicable 2 completed Representations and Certifications and 3 acknowledgement of any amendments that may be issued Any amendments that may be issued will be published in the CBD the same as this combined synopsis solicitation Point of contact for this requirement is Ms Jane H Sutherlin Contracting Officer at 910 4322146