Notice ID
The contractor shall repair clean paint and upgrade concrete flooring in accordance with the Statement of Work Delivery Date or Period of Performance 30 JAN 2002 thru 28 FEB 2002 An Ombudsman has been appointed to hear concerns from offerors or potential offerors during the proposal development phase of this acquisition The purpose of the Ombudsman is not to diminish the authority of the program director or contracting officer but to communicate contractor concerns issues disagreements and recommendations to the appropriate government personnel When requested the Ombudsman will maintain strict confidentiality as to the source of the concern The Ombudsman does not participate in the evaluation of proposals or in the source selection process Interested parties are invited to call Roger Porter if your concerns are not satisfied by the contracting officer 8017776991 ATTENTION Contractor must be registered with Central Contractor Registration to be eligible for contact award or payment from any DOD activity Information on registration and annual confirmation requirements may be obtained by calling 18882272423 or via the Internet at httpwwwccr2000com