Notice ID
Solicitation 6FERD7998405N will be issued on or about May 12 l999 for 29 NSNs for FSC 8040 Adhesives The contract period will be 2years with three 1year options It will be a Firm fixed requirements contract with Economic Price Adjustment The NSNs are in accordance with Military Specifications MILA46l06A and MILA46146B This Solicitation will be available on the Electronic Posting System EPS which can be accessed through Internet at address httpwwwepsgov INTERESTED OFFERORS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DOWNLOADING THE SOLICITATION THE BID CLOSING IS MAY 27 1999 AT 200 PM OFFERS RECEIVED AT THE ADDRESS SPECIFIED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS AFTER THE EXACT TIME SPECIFIED FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED The solicitation will contain 14 stock items FOB Destination delivery to GSA Distribution Centers andor military depots and l5 nonstock NSNs for direct delivery The stock NSNs are 8040001182695 8040001429823 8040002254548 8040007019546 8040008339563 8040008430802 80400085102118040008658991 8040008779872 8040009023871 8040009381535 8040009419984 8040010091562 and 80400l0l08758 The nonstock direct delivery NSNs are 8040001450075 8040001487207 8040007283088 8040008807332 8040009271513 8040013317131 8040013317133 8040013317466 8040013317468 8040013317469 8040013317470 8040013317471