Notice ID
This is an Addendum to CBD for RFQ MPNFK39379M and will modify the Synopsis which appeared in the CBD Dec 4 1998 This notice will remain active on the CBD httpcbdnetaccessgpogov for 15 days then will remain in the Archives indefinitely A search can be done at the web site listed above or you can call 18882936498 for more information the Modification will affect NSN 5120006840818 crimping Tool terminal Hand only RFQ MPNB900669M will replace Sol MPNFK39379M Please furnish quotations on or before May 6 1999 Due to the dollar threshold the non manufacture rule applies Acquisition will not be set aside for small business IPDs are in accw Amp PN 59275 or equal and the quantity has been confirmed by the customer Original bidders are retained unless you prefer to change pricesor offer an equal item For copies of the RFQ check the web site wwwepsgov