Notice ID
NA The Defense Threat Reduction Agency DTRA is contemplating a multiaward indefinitedeliveryindefinitequantity multiyear contract for the support and administration of the Department of Defense DoD Nuclear Surety Support Program This programs pr inciple objectives are1provide support to missile defense programs2support capabilities to counter and defeat Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD threats3 support civil and military response to WMD use and 4support the viability and credibility o f the nuclear force The critical specific objectives for this requirement consist of1 Environment AnalysisHazard and Risk Analysis 2 Nuclear Security Studies 3 Nuclear Reliability Studies and 4 Nuclear Use Control StudiesThe estimated program s value is estimated to be up to 16M per year The effort reflects a base period of performance of five 5 years with a potential for options DTRA is currently soliciting input from industry to ensure that the most current technologies and philosophie s are thoroughly reviewed in concert with the development of the acquisition strategy in order to efficiently and effectively fulfill the Statement of Objectives SOO This Agency is particularly interested in industrys views and comments on forming a te aming expertise pool that would1complement the unique requirements of the SOO and 2be capable of rapidly responding to specific and unique requirements in the critical mission areas as noted in the SOO This team must demonstrate core skills and miti gation techniques to minimize risk to the unique and critical mission The SOO follows for your perusal DTRA welcomes and encourages all input from industry and is highly receptive to innovative and unique concepts in achieving these critical objectives All recommendations comments and questions must be submitted through email by 11 January 02 This announcement is issued for information and planning purposes only and does not constitute a Request for Proposal RFP There is no solicitation available at the present time This synopsis is published for information gathering purposes only and in no way obligates the government to award any contract All information comments questions concerns generated from this announcement are considered gratis Fo r further assistance concerning this announcement please contact Marilyn F Williams Contract Specialist at marilynwilliamsdtramil or Donald L Shires Contracting Officer at donaldshiresdtramil SOO 10 Background The Defense Threat Reduct ion Agency DTRA safeguards the US and its friends from weapons of mass destruction WMD ie chemical biological radiological nuclear and high explosives by reducing the present threat and preparing for the future threat The mission of the Comb at Support Directorate is to provide combat support to the Joint Chiefs of Staff the Joint Staff the commanders in chief and the military services to deter engage and assess the threat and challenges posed to the United States its forces and its allies by weapons of mass destruction Our focus is to support the essential WMD response capabilities functions activities and objectives necessary to sustain all elements of forces intheater at all levels of war and to assist in civil support 20 Organizational Objectives One of the agencys long term goals is to deter the use and reduce the impact of WMD There are four specific objectives supporting this goal These are Provide support to missile defense programs support capabilities to c ounter and defeat WMD threats support civil and military response to WMD use and to support the viability and credibility of the nuclear force The last is the main objective of the Nuclear Stockpile Division Critical to the viability of the nuclear st ockpile is the National Command Authoritys and the publics confidence in the stockpile The surety safety reliability security and use control of