Notice ID
The Port Hueneme Division Naval Surface Warfare Center is seeking Small Business contractors that are interested in performing the duties and responsibilities as a Prime contractor on a compeititive Indefinite DeliveryIndefinite Quantity IDIQ Cost Reimbursable type FollowOn contract for engineering services and other technical tasks to be performed in relation to missile systems and ancillary equipment under the cognizance of the MissileLauncher Department Code 4W00 Port Hueneme Division Naval Surface Warfare Center All work is specifically related to missile development production and inservice engineering and the maintenance or operational aspects of related support equipment Overall the work will include support of the following Missile Systems STANDARD MISSILETOMAHAWK AllUpRound AURVLS TOMAHAWK Vertical Launch ASROC VLA Missile and AUR Vertical Laun ching Systems Canisters Evolved Seasparrow Missile ESSM Extended Range Guided Munitions ERGM Specific task for the above missile systems will include Missile Engineering Missile ProductionMaintenance Planning and Support Missile Test Systems Engineering Computer System Development and Maintenance Missile ProcessingOperational Support Missile Industrial EngineeringWorkload Planning Missile Depot Maintenance Management Missile Material Management Missile Development Support and Foreign Military Sales FMS The applicable North American Industrial Classification System Code NAICS for this requirement is 541330 Federal Supply Code FSC is R414 with a size Standard of 200 Million The proposed contract has the potential of being a Small Business SetAside The proposed contract is anticipated to be awarded for a basic contract period of twelve 12 month s with four additional oneyear option periods for a total of sixty 60 months The anticipated level of effort for this requirement will be 50000 hours per year plus or minus Award of the proposed contract is anticipated to be made on or before September 30 2002 All Small Business contractors that are interested in being a Prime contractor for the above requirement are requested to contact Jim Hall Contract Specialist PHD NSWC via email at halljephdnswcnavymil no later than thirty days after publication of this announcement As a reminder this is a Source Sought Announcement NOT a Request For Proposals