Notice ID
DESCRIPTION US Customs and Border Protection CBP Laboratories and Scientific Services LSS is seeking information from interested vendors as part of an acquisition to establish a contract for barcodeQR management system to support a future laboratory information management system LIMS CBP intends to use the information from this RFI for future acquisition plans THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATIONSOURCES SOUGHT ANNOUNCEMENT It is for informational purposes only A solicitation is NOT being issued This Request for Information RFI from industry will allow the Government to identify interested sources capable of meeting all requirements The information sought will be used for planning purposes only THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS The Government will not award a contract based on this RFI nor will the Government pay for any information submitted by respondents All proprietary or sensitive corporate information must be clearly marked This announcement in no way obligates or commits the Government to acquire any product or service There shall be no basis for claims against the Government as a result of information submitted in response to this RFI BACKGROUND The Department of Homeland Security DHS U S Customs and Border Protection CBP Laboratories and Scientific Services LSS is the scientific and forensic arm of CBP LSS provides rapid accurate and reliable scientific and testing services to protect the homeland The laboratory system is ISOIEC 17025 accredited by the ANSIASQ National Accreditation Board ANAB for forensics and trade disciplines LSS currently uses their Laboratory Information Management System LIMS Laboratory Information Network LIN to track sample casework and to report findings of analysis and examination to LSS customers LSS has approximately 300 users assigned to the LSS with eight LSS labs across the country and approximately 20 forwarding operating labs and still increasing Currently we have approximately 509279 cases with an average of 28000 new cases per year An Oracle Xadata database currently serves as the repository for LSS cases reports and the administrative information since 2000 The current LIMS does not have barcodeQR featurescapabilities Additional information about LSS can be found at httpswwwcbpgovaboutlabsscientificsvcs The scope of this requirement is the development of the highlevel goals and objectives necessary to modernize LSS information technology and its IT practices The scope is to procure a Commercial off the Shelf COTS barcodeQR management system to enhance the current and future LSS LIMS The barcodeQR management system must allow customization for use in and adapted to the LSS laboratory environment and its associated workflows The barcodeQR management system must be flexible and customizable to communicate with LSS LIMS REQUESTED INFORMATION CBP seeks information from interested vendors that can provide commercially available capabilities and services that satisfy the attached DRAFT Statement of Work Citing examples please describe your capabilities and experience meeting requirements similar in scope and complexity to the requirements of the SOW In addition to a description of capabilities and experience CBP seeks responses to the following questions Company Name Company Address Point of Contact Telephone Number and email Address What NAICS code do you use Are you classified as a Small Business under this NAICS code What is your organizations experience with and capability for developing a barcodeQR management system for law enforcement agencies What is your organizations experience with and capability for developing a BARCODEQR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM for all trade commodities Where is your BARCODEQR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM manufactured andor assembled If partscomponents are manufactured in a different location from final assembly please identify all locations Provide a synopsis of current Quality ControlQuality Assurance process related to any BARCODEQR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM currently manufactured Are you ISO Certified Do you currently manufacture BARCODEQR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM If so please provide a description and specifications Are you capable of manufacturing a BARCODEQR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM meeting the requirements outlined in the below summary of requirements What concerns do you have with these requirements What is a realistic timeframe before such a product can be manufactured and ready for submission on an RFP If able to please provide information Agency Contract Value and POC for any current or previously awarded federal contracts for BARCODEQR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM issued to your company within the last 5 years RESPONSE FORMAT AND LIMITS Interested parties should submit a written response maximum of 10 pages in length single sided no less than font size 10 that Demonstrates the respondents ability to meet or exceed the capability requirements Addresses each of the requests for information Provides the company name and address point of contact with phone number and email business size UEI number and available contracting vehicles Costprice estimates and an identification of potential cost drivers tradeoffs andor savings and Any other pertinent information such as assumptions made relating to the ability to satisfy specific requirements or questions regarding ambiguous or poorly defined requirements All responses shall be submitted electronically Adobe PDF format Responding to this RFI is not a prerequisite to bid on a subsequent RFP if one is issued Responses may include links to available product demonstration websites or videos Responses are due no later than April 26 2024 at 300 pm ET Responses must be submitted via email if possible to the contract officer jaredatritlecbpdhsgov SUMMARY THIS IS ONLY A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RFI The information derived from this RFI will assist CBP in identifying sources that can satisfy the requirements of the SOW The information and specifications provided in the RFI are subject to change and are not binding on the Government CBP has not made a commitment to procure any of the items presented and release of this RFI should not be construed as a commitment or authorization to incur cost for which reimbursement would be required or sought All submissions become Government property and will not be returned