Notice ID
W9123624R2000 Industry Day for the Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion Phase III Cemetery Expansion located in Arlington Virginia The US Army Corps of Engineers USACE Norfolk District is scheduled to host an Industry Day event on May 8th 2022 from 100 pmto 1330 pm Eastern Daylight Time EDT for construction contractors interested in the Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion ANCSE Phase III Construction Project The event will provide an opportunity for Large and Small Business contractors to learn about the upcoming construction project The event will include presentations encompassing overview briefs of the three phase ANCSE Project including the Phase I II projects Defense Access Road DAR project and the Phase III Operations Complex Project a discussion of acquisition procedures followed by a live QA session Participants may attend inperson or virtually Callin information will be sent to participants prior to the event Schedule Introduction Agenda 100 pm to 110 pm Introduction and Program Overview 110 pm to 125 pm Defense Access Road and South Parcel Overview 125 pm to 145 pm ANCSE Phase III Project Definition 145 pm to 200 pm Acquisition Procedures 200 pm to 230 pm QA and Open Forum 230 pm to 315 pm Closing Remarks 315 pm to 320 pm All parties interested to participate shall be registered The deadline to register for this free event is May 1st 2022 at 2 pm EDT Interested contractors can register by visiting the following link httpswwweventbritecomeancsearlingtonnationalcemeterysouthernexpansionphaseiiiindustrydaytickets882925673457affoddtdtcreator The event link will be sent out via email following registration PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE A LIMITED OF 75 INPERSON SEATS AVAILABLE Project Overview For more than a century Arlington National Cemetery has represented each generations service sacrifice and valor Here laid to eternal rest are more than 400000 men and women united in protecting this democracy during times of war and times of peace Within these sacred grounds their spirits live on echoing sentiments of pride and love for country The Arlington National Cemetery Southern Expansion Phase III Project will support the Armys timehonored tradition of laying to rest our veterans well into the future This will be accomplished by seamlessly expanding Arlington National Cemetery and creating a culturally rich and thoughtfully designed corridor encompassing the surrounding memorials This vision will extend the lifespan of the cemetery and enhance the visitor experience while providing substantial benefits to the surrounding areas The Phase III Cemetery Expansion will increase the inground and above ground interment areas adding approximately 80000 new burial opportunities modifying the existing cemetery roadway network and provide a new pedestrian access point off Columbia Pike and significant landscaping The cemetery expansion will include 4 columbaria courts and a committal shelter Additive bid options will be included in the development of the Phase III Cemetery Expansion In addition LEED certification is not required for the Phase III Cemetery Expansion project Questions regarding the ANCSE Phase III Project may be submitted in advance of Industry Day to cherieakunzeusacearmymil with SUBJECT LINE ANCSE Phase III Questions BEFORE 1 May 2024 at noon