Notice ID
This is a Request for Information RFI The Program Executive Office PEO Missiles and Space MS Tactical Aviation and Ground Munitions TAGM Project Office on behalf of the Warfighter is conducting market research to support the acquisition strategy for the MobileLong Range Precision Strike Missile MLRPSM Directed Requirement The US Government USG is seeking an immediate capability that is readily available to bridge a current gapoperational requirement This capability must address the technical requirements outlined below along with the development of an interface kit that would allow operation on the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle JLTV or the Infantry Squad Vehicle ISV currently fielded in the Infantry Brigade Combat Team IBCT This RFI is for informational purposes only This is not a request for proposal RFP This RFI does not constitute a solicitation and shall not be construed as a commitment by the USG Responses in any form are not offers and the USG is under no obligation to award a contract because of this notice No funds will be provided to pay for preparation of responses to this notice Any information submitted by respondents to this request is strictly voluntary No later than NLT 21 days from the date of issuance interested businesses should provide a Statement of Capability that clearly articulates their proposed solution along with information on company background and past performance relevant to the requirements stated in this notice The USG is seeking to own the full Technical Data Package TDP for the interface kit to be developed at the USGs expense between the selected missilemunition and the vehicle The USG will only consider submissions that address the full scope of work outlined below The defining technical requirements for the MLRPSM are as follows in order of priority Must be effective against various target types to include Armored vehicles stationary and in defilade Troops Field Fortifications Urban Structures Must achieve a range of 25km or greater Must be transportable by existing IBCT light tactical vehicle platforms JLTV or ISV Should have the ability to adjust missile flight retarget and abort Should have the ability to employ four missiles from a single launcher simultaneously Should be survivable and resilient in denied degraded intermittent and limitedbandwidth DDIL environments enabling the system to operate and protect itself against attacks on embedded network cyberspace electromagnetic spectrum EMS and position navigation and timing PNT capabilities A time to target requirement is currently undefined however a reduced time of flight will be a key consideration Costscheduleperformance information requested Procurement leadtime for available solutions from agreement award to delivery Current max production capacity including surge capacity and headspace available Current pricing data on launchers and munitions in quantities of 6 12 and 18 for launchers and 24 48 and 72 for munitions Estimated cost of interface kit development including the associated interface TDP package Anticipated time required upon receipt of Government Furnished Equipment GFE vehicles to develop and produce an interface kit for launcher to be secured on vehicle and ready for livefire demonstration Key performance characteristics of proposed solution that support the above requirements by Technology Readiness Level TRL and Manufacturing Readiness Level MRL including but not limited to size weight minimum and maximum range power required lethality and time of flight to 25km Past performance should emphasize the following areas Experience in the integration of missilesmunitions on platforms to provide long range effects for the Warfighter include Modular Open System Approach MOSA compliance Previous success in providing logistics support through a materiel release process and sustainment of a product Vision for future product improvements with proposed timeline and costs State areas where anticipated Intellectual Property or Proprietary rights would be claimed and what the benefit would be to the USG Cost or Schedule Provide as attachments any USG test reports vendor demonstration reports operational test reports etc that justify stated TRL Substantiate MRL assessment according to the criteria in the DoD MRL Deskbook 2018 Responses should also include Company Name CAGE code DUNS and address of the contractor Point of contact including name title phone number and email address Size of contractor average annual revenue for the past three years and number of employees Whether the business is currently classified as a Traditional or Non Traditional Defense Contractor Anticipated NonTraditional Defense Contractor participation Questions may be sent to andreasdixon1civarmymil and jazmynedwilliams2civarmymil NLT 10 days from issuance of the RFI Answers to all questions will be sent to all interested parties within 15 days from issuance of the RFI Vendors wishing to participate in an industry day may reach out to andreasdixon1civarmymil and jazmynedwilliams2civarmymil NLT 7 days from issuance of the RFI Logistical details will be shared with all interested parties No extensions to the RFI period will be granted Please send submissions via email to andreasdixon1civarmymil Submissions shall not exceed 20 pages 85 X 11 inches Font shall be size 12 with oneinch borders Format of submissions shall be in accordance with the outline above All information must be submitted at no cost or obligation to the Government No information marked Proprietary to company name will be disclosed outside of the Department of Defense and supporting Government support contractors TAGM plans to use nonGovernment support contractors to assist the Government in their assessment of industry responses resulting from this announcement Each respondent must be willing to sign nondisclosure agreements with these nonGovernment support contractors so TAGM can properly protect the proprietary information submitted The Government could choose to use any of the following nonGovernment support contractors on the below list during this assessment This list is subject to change To facilitate the nondisclosure agreement process email requests for nonGovernment support contractor POC information to Andrea Dixon at andreasdixon1civarmymil and Jazmyne Williams at jazmynedwilliams2civarmymil Simulation Technologies Incorporated 7067 Madison Pike Suite 100 Huntsville AL 35806 Defense Enterprise Solutions 200 Clinton Avenue Suite 610 Huntsville AL 35801 KBR 345 Bob Heath Dr Huntsville AL 35806 Global Business Solutions LLC 316 S Baylen St Suite 500 Pensacola FL 32502 Science Applications International Corporation Inc 6725 Odyssey Drive NW Huntsville AL 35806 In accomplishing their duties relating to the review process the abovementioned firms may require access to Proprietary Information contained in the industry responses Therefore these firms must execute an agreement with each industry respondent that states that they will 1 protect the respondents information from unauthorized use or disclosure for as long as it remains proprietary and 2 refrain from using the information for any purpose other than which it was furnished To expedite the review process each industry respondent should contact the above companies to effect execution of such an agreement prior to submission of their responses Each industry respondent shall submit copies of the agreements with their responses or provide a definitive statement that the industry respondent does not consent to the release of the information to the aforementioned All submissions must be readable by Microsoft MS Word 2013 MS Excel 2013 or Adobe Acrobat All submissions must be unclassified No telephone inquiries will be accepted The documentation provided will not be returned All submittals will be treated and marked at a minimum Controlled Unclassified Information CUI This is not a Solicitation and does not obligate the Government to issue a Solicitation The NAICS code related to this action is 336414