Notice ID
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ of the US Department of Health and Human Services DHHS is soliciting proposals for a fiveyear reimbursable contract to continue the work and expand the impact of the Agencys Evidencebased Practice Centers EPCs Program a flagship program within AHRQ Work required under this contract will be obtained on an asneeded basis through issuance of Task OrdersUnder the new EPC Program EPC II tasks will address a variety of assignments such as development of brief and comprehensive evidence reports and technology assessments related to clinical and behavioral topics organization and financing topics health care systems of delivery and special cost effectiveness studies The reports and assessments will be systematic reviews that are based on rigorous comprehensive syntheses and analyses of relevant scientific literature emphasizing explicitly detailed documentation of methods rationales and assumptions Evidence reports and technology assessments may require systematic reviews and analyses of effectiveness andor cost effectiveness of established medical management of specified clinical conditions established or new technology assessments clinical preventive medicine established and new uses of complementary and alternative therapies and established or new strategies to organize and finance health care EPCs also may be directed to undertake methodological research develop evidencebased academic curricula on methods and processes for performing systematic reviews and assessments and other special projects Periods of performance for completion of evidence reports and technology assessments will vary ranging from 30 days up to 12 months depending on the complexity of the topic depth of review required and programmatic need EPCs will be expected to have the methodological competence and management flexibility to satisfy a range of single and multiple tasks that need to be performed concurrently Offerors are expected to have methodological expertise in the assessment of a broad range of scientific data including results from social sciences and behavioral research controlled trials diagnostic studies technology assessments and epidemiologic research To evaluate offerors methodological expertise the information set out below must be included in each proposal Specifically offerors process for 1 identifying scientific questions within a given topic that are of the greatest importance with respect to clinical practice or policy 2 identifying specific types of evidence that would be appropriate to answer important questions related to a given topic 3 identifying and the criteria for selecting sources of evidence including strategies for describing explicit details of the literature review to facilitate future updates of evidence reports 4 evaluating individual studies for issues that may affect the validity of individual study results including consideration of both internal and external validity 5 synthesizing results of data from multiple individual studies and 6 conveying results from syntheses in ways that communicate readily to relevant audiences for each evidence report or technology assessment In addition to systematic literature reviews and analyses an EPC may be tasked to 1 perform special analyses such as metaanalysis cost effectiveness analysis decision analysis 2 perform special cost effectiveness studies 3 update EPC reports and assessments 4 undertake methods research 5 collaborate with academic medical centers payors and employer groups nonprofits and other private sector entities in for example developing evidencebased curricula providing training opportunities to junior faculty Fellows etc from other academic institutions in how to conduct systematic reviews and assessments or in conducting educational sessions on interpretation and understanding of research