Notice ID
NA DESCRIPTION OF WORK The US Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District intends to contract through Sole Source procurement the construction operation and ownership of a new transmission line tap and a substation to serve the Pueblo Chemical Depot Dispos al Facility PUCD The subject transmission line tap and substation will be owned operated and maintained by West Plains Energy WPE a Division of Utilicorp United Service is currently provided to PUCD by contract with WPE The project site is loca ted in Northeast corner of the PUCD adjacent to the future site of the chemical demilitarization facility at the Southwest corner This project is to be constructed prior to the future weapons demilitarization facility advertisement as a part of the chem ical demilitarization support project The Contractor shall provide all labor materials and equipment necessary to install a 115kV transmission line tap and substation originating from an existing WPE transmission line running NorthSouth along the ea stern edge of the PUCD The transmission line is 115 kV wood pole Hframe construction 9 structures plus a single steel pole tap structure The length of the line is approximately 7440 feet from the first to the last structure over a relatively flat terrain The transmission line begins at the first structure located north of the substation Sufficient cable shall be left at the first structure to permit WPE Utilicorp United to extend the line south to the substation dead end structure The trans mission line shall extend eastward to the last structure before tapping the existing 115 kV Department of Transportation Line owned by WPE The tap pole shall be located and installed with the approval of WPE Connection between the tap pole and the exis ting 115 kV line shall be by WPE The tap is approximately midspan between two structures of the existing line WPE shall provide the power Remote Terminal Unit RTU and antenna for the tap pole for operation of the two 115 kV motor operated switches mounted on the tap pole The motor operators and the switches are to be provided as a part of this contract The contractor shall install the RTU and antenna The contractor shall coordinate location of the power feed to the pole with WPE and shall c omply with WPE requirements The 115kV transmission line shall extend to a new substation installed owned and operated by the constructor that steps voltage down to 132kV required to power the Pueblo Chemical Depot Disposal Facility The substation sha ll include a115kV structures b high voltage bussing c 115kV circuit switchers d 115kV circuit breakers e two 12016OMVA OAFA cooled 115kV primary to 132762kV secondary power transformers f 15kV metal enclosed switch gear g conduit grou nding h fence i grading and access road and j other items necessary to own operate and maintain the substation The awarded contractor shall coordinate with the Pueblo Chemical Depot PUCD facilities engineering office and the Corps of Engineer s resident Office prior to commencement of any construction Contractor access to G Block area is restricted and personnel access will require escorts and safety training The current NAICS code applicable to this solicitation is 234920 The applicable small business size standard is 275 million dollars gross receipts over a three years