Notice ID
BACKGROUND The US Air Force Air Command ACC Langley AFB Va is tasked with the requirement to provide radars for use at eleven 11 Tethered Aerostat Radar System TARS sites Currently we operate a DPS5 radar at the Cudjoe Key FL site and TPS63 radars at six 6 sites and a L88A at the remaining four 4 sites POTENTIAL NEED The purpose of this announcement is to identify and locate sources fully capable of providing radars for an upcoming requirement The proposed system must operate within the 275K and 420K aerostat parameter and not alter airborne characteristics The system to include radar and antenna cannot exceed 1300 pounds in weight The system must interface with airborne support equipment currently fielded in the TARS network The radar system must be capable of detecting a 2m2 Swerling Type I target with a noiselimited single scan Pd Probability of Detection of not less than 75 within the surveillance volume The surveillance volume is defined as 10150 NM 360 degrees in azimuth from ground level to 2000 feet above the aerostats flight altitude This performance shall apply with the system operating normally and all system losses accounted for including moving target indication MTI constant false alarm rate CFAR and atmospheric losses due to absorption and lenseffect We invite all qualified sources to respond to this notice in support of the ACC mission The latest TARS Radar Statement of Objectives SOO is currently posted on the Electronic Posting System EPS and we invite all interested contractors to take a look at it If you are interested and can provide the requirement stated please respond to the following points of contact This requirement has been advertised previously and the government did not receive sufficient responses Therefore in accordance with FAR 6302 the government intends to award this requirement on a Sole Source basis if no further responses are received Point of Contact Linda Whitlock Contract Manager Phone 757 7649125 Fax 757 7649153 Email LindaWhitlockLangleyafmil Kathy Jackson Contracting Officer Phone 757 7649126 Fax 757 7649153 Email KathyJacksonLangleyafmil Email you questions to Linda Whitlock at lindawhitlocklangleyafmil