Notice ID
The Office of Thrift Supervision OTS a bureau of the Department of The Treasury operates a supplemental longterm disability plan for its employees The plan covers approximately 1250 employees with some 350 of these participants located in the metropolitan Washington DC area The remaining employees are located in OTS regional offices around the country The OTS intends to issue a request for proposal RFP for an insurance carrier to manage and operate the longterm disability plan which will cover the following groups 1 current and future active fulltime and parttime employees and 3 temporary employees nonpermanent appointments The plan serves as a supplement to disability benefits currently available to OTS employees under the Federal Employee Retirement System FERS Civil Service Retirement System CSRS and the Financial Institutions Retirement Fund FIRF retirement system Offerors shall propose a plan that replicates the current OTS longterm disability plan design The resultant contract will have a base plan year of 12 months covering calendar year 2002 a provision for optional plan years in 2003 and 2004 plus and an additional option for up to six 6 months This is an unrestricted procurement The anticipated issuance date for the RFP is March 28 2001 with proposals due by May 29 2001 The RFP will be posted to the Governments Federal Business Opportunities FEDBUSOPS website under the location for the Office of Thrift Supervisions announcements which is at the Department of The Treasurys home page It will also be posted to the OTSs website All responsible insurance carriers having an interest in providing these important services to OTSs employees may submit a proposal which will be evaluated by the OTS The RFP will provide guidance regarding submission of proposals Please direct any questions regarding this synopsis to douglasmasonOTStreasgov Please be advised that all correspondence pertaining to this requirement will also be posted to the FEDBUSOPS and OTS web sites You are also advised that the Government reserves the right to conduct a reverse auction to determine pricing