Notice ID
The United States Secret Service office of Chief Information Officer OCIO provides informtion sharing services with respect to individuals of protective interest This mandate is partially met with the Protective Threat Management System PTMS which primarily serves the Protective Intelligence Assessment Division PIDThreat intelligence and identification protective intelligence are crucial aspects of upholding that mandate and mission success is largely dependent on the timely identification tracking and dissemination of threatrelated information To be successful USSS personnel must have timely access to current complete and accurate protective intelligence The PTMS provides PID and field users a system to manage the collection analysis and dissemination of this mission critical information The Uniformed Division Log Book UDLB is a PTMS module that allows Uniformed Division personnel to capture incident data on alarms arrests demonstrations employee sickness and injury reports threats vehicle accidents as well as other classifications UDLB interfaces with PTMS to support cases created Currently AVER LLC provides PTMS under contract number 70US0923F1DHS2538 with a Period of Performance of 62620233252024 a Base Period of nine 9 months and four 4 oneyear options for a total price of All qualified small business vendors were given a fair opportunity to be considered for the original task order via Qualified Small Business Contract Holders under CIO SP3 SB within the NITAAC Strategic Sourcing Vehicle under Task Area 10 The Assistant Director of Strategic Intelligence and Information of SII is requesting to enhance the schedule for PTMS enhancements by 6 months from the end of 2024 to option period 1 just two months after Inauguration to be best postured for a very active 2026 USSS National Special Security Event NSSE year The workforce will be able to get used to the new features for a full year in normal operations mode before transitioning to NSSEnormal operations mode This sheer increase in volume and velocity of work requires the additional support of four 4 resources Team B FAR 16505b2iB Only one awardee can provide the supplies or services required at the level of quality required because the supplies or services ordered are unique or highly specialized The basis as to why the Government believes only AVER can provide the services required at the level of quality required is because the services are unique and highly specialized It is within the general scope of the existng contract The enhancements requested are permissible changes and can be made under the PTMS contract USSS needs to maintain code delivery and consistency with one vendor for development to support upcoming NSSE for campaign season and inauguration