Notice ID
This notice is a combined synopsissolicitation for commercial items prepared in accordance with the format in Subpart 126 as supplemented with additional information included in this notice This announcement constitutes the only solicitation proposals are being requested and a written solicitation will not be issued THIS IS A BUY INDIAN SET ASIDE per Buy Indian Act 25 USC 47 and only offers form Buy Indian small businesses will be accepted The Navajo Area Indian Health Service Pinon Health Center is requesting for offers for a contractor to provide Preventive Maintenance Services for 4 Air Conditioning Units 2 Chiller Compressor Units and 1 Split System Unit Services shall be performed in accordance with the attached Statement of Work SOW PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE 0512024 04302025 EVALUATION CRITERIA The Government reserves the right to issue a single award or multiple awards to contractors whose quote represents the best value as defined by FAR 2101 In determining best value Price and other Evaluation Factors will be considered Past Performance Experience Qualifications and Logistics The Evaluation Factors and significant sub factors when combined are significantly more important than cost or price The socioeconomic status of an offer may also be considered should one or more quotes represent the best value SUBMITTAL PROCESS Email offer directly to the Contracting Officer for this action is Flora Washington Purchasing Agent 9287259801 florawashingtonihsgov Limit offer size to 6MB All questions shall be submitted in writing 3 days prior to closingresponse date To be considered for award your offer shall include the following documents or it will be nonresponsive and removed from award consideration Pricing Complete and sign Fee Schedule attached The Government will consider competitive rates upon negotiation Provide your Quotation Experience Provide a list of at least 3 past projects of similar scope include detailed project description location dollar amount and period of performance Past Performance Provide a letter of reference from a past customer Qualifications Provide evidence that you are qualified to do the work Logistics Provide a plan of action describing the logistics of how you will be providing services Provide a completed IHS IEE Representation Form attached Clauses and Provisions 5222241 Service Contract Labor Standards Aug 2018 Contractor shall meet or exceed the minimum required wage determination as stated in the US Department of Labor Wage Determination No 20155477 522178 Option to Extend Services Nov 1999 The Government may require continued performance of any services within the limits and at the rates specified in the contract These rates may be adjusted only as a result of revisions to prevailing labor rates provided by the Secretary of Labor The option provision may be exercised more than once but the total extension of performance hereunder shall not exceed 6 months The Contracting Officer may exercise the option by written notice to the Contractor within 5 days Department of Health and Human Services Applicable Clauses 3522021 Definitions JAN 2006 35222470Privacy Act DEC 2015 3522261Indian Preference DEC 2015 3522262Indian Preference Program DEC 2015 35223271 Electronic Submission of Payment Requests Feb 2022 a Definitions As used in this clause Payment request means a bill voucher invoice or request for contract financing payment with associated supporting documentation The payment request must comply with the requirements identified in FAR 32905b Content of Invoices and the applicable Payment clause included in this contract bExcept as provided in paragraph c of this clause the Contractor shall submit payment requests electronically using the Department of Treasury Invoice Processing Platform IPP or successor system Information regarding IPP including IPP Customer Support contact information is available at wwwippgov or any successor site cThe Contractor may submit payment requests using other than IPP only when the Contracting Officer authorizes alternate procedures in writing in accordance with HHS procedures dIf alternate payment procedures are authorized the Contractor shall include a copy of the Contracting Officers written authorization with each payment request The Contractor is required to submit invoices in accordance with FAR Clause 522124g uploading into wwwippgov If you require assistance registering or IPP account access please contact the IPP Helpdesk at 866 9733131 MF 8AM to 6PM ET or IPPCustomerSupportfiscaltreasurygov Department of the Treasurys IPP website that includes training materials httpswwwippgovvendorstrainingvendors 35223770 ProChildren Act Dec 2015 a Public Law 103227 Title X Part C also known as the ProChildren Act of 1994 Act 20 USC 7183 imposes restrictions on smoking in facilities where certain federally funded childrens services are provided The Act prohibits smoking within any indoor facility or portion thereof whether owned leased or contracted for that is used for the routine or regular provision of i kindergarten elementary or secondary education or library services or ii health or day care services that are provided to children under the age of 18 The statutory prohibition also applies to indoor facilities that are constructed operated or maintained with Federal funds b By acceptance of this contract or order the Contractor agrees to comply with the requirements of the Act The Act also applies to all subcontracts awarded under this contract for the specified childrens services Accordingly the Contractor shall ensure that each of its employees and any subcontractor staff is made aware of understands and complies with the provisions of the Act Failure to comply with the Act may result in the imposition of a civil monetary penalty in an amount not to exceed 1000 for each violation andor the imposition of an administrative compliance order on the responsible entity Each day a violation continues constitutes a separate violation ADDITIONAL APPLICABLE FEDERAL ACQUISITION CLAUSES 522047 System Award Management Oct 2018 522095 Certification Regarding Responsibility Matters Oct 2015 5220911 Representation by Corporations Regarding Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony conviction under any Federal Law Feb 2016 522124 Contract Terms and ConditionsCommercial Products and Commercial Services Nov 2023 522125 Contract Terms and Conditions Required to Implement Statutes or Executive OrdersCommercial Products and Commercial Services Feb 2024522241 Privacy Act Notification Apr 1984 522242 Privacy Act Apr 1984 522293 Federal State and Local Taxes Feb 2013 5223218 Availability of Funds APR 1984 5223233 Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer System for Award Management Jul 2013 5223240 Providing Accelerated Payments to Small Business SubContractors Dec 2013 522372 Protection of Government Buildings Equipment and Vegetation Aug 1984 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS Scope of Work Fee Schedule Wage Determination No 20155477 IHS IEE Representation Form